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A multi-criteria decision analysis approach for critical success factors identification in civilian European Union common security and defence policy´s missions

Valente, Luís Miguel Ribeiro
This research focuses on the strategic role of performance measurement systems (PMS) in the decision-making processes of organisations and provides valuable insights into using the Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approaches for PMS in Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Missions and the potential of Cognitive Mapping techniques and the Choquet Integral to facilitate evaluation processes. The researcher used a panel of experts with specialised knowledge of the subject under analysis to identify evaluation criteria and interactions. An external expert validated the proposed evaluation system during a final session. The proposed framework´s advantages and limitations are also examined in this study, which incorporates a constructivist stance, facilitating the integration of objective and subjective elements into the decision-making process. The study found that using the MCDA approach can effectively evaluate the performance of CSDP Missions and provide valuable insights for decision-making processes.


Critical success factors
Cognitive mapping
Choquet integral
Análise multicritério -- Multicriteria analysis
Desempenho organizacional -- Organizational performance
Tomada de decisão -- Decision making
MCDA - Multiple-criteria decision analysis


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