Tools for distance learning

Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon offers a variety of tools created for learning outside the classroom.

Each of these tools is described in the links below.

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Zoom Colibri

Videoconferencing includes a combination of interactive communication technologies that allow simultaneous collaboration between two or more locations through video and audio transmission.

Videoconferencing is suitable to all situations of real-time collaboration in which two or more participants are geographically separated. Various activities can gain advantages through this technology:

  • Business meetings regarding national or international projects
  • Presentations of work at the end of a course
  • Jury meetings (master’s or doctorates)
  • Events with the participation of remote audiences
  • Events with speakers in remote locations
  • Distance classes

Iscte currently has two rooms with videoconferencing equipment.

Iscte offers its teaching staff and students access to the videoconferencing tool Zoom (via FCCN). This tools allows users to host events (meeting, classes, etc.) with multiple participants simultaneously using a computer, smartphone, or tablet. This tool also allows sessions to be moderated, providing simple mechanisms for teacher-student interaction.

For more information see the SIIC website here.

In case of difficulty contact us.

E-learning Platform (Moodle)

Iscte offes to the entire academic community a platform for managing teaching and learning (the platform e-learning), which allows for the management and distribution of academic content, as well as other functions of communication and evaluation, submission of work to teachers, and plagiarism detection, among others, complementing the in-person activities that occur at the university.

This tool can support pedagogical models developed in a technologically advanced work environment, which enables strong interaction between professor(s) and student(s), promoting collaborative learning as a method of acquiring and evaluating knowledge.

Support materials for curricular units can and should be made available on e-learning (Moodle).

To access this service, click here.

For more information see the SIIC website here.

In case of difficulty contact us.


The service Fénix+ allows certified users - students, teachers, researchers, non-teaching staff and applicants - of Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa to use various services and functions in order to simplify the everyday life of all those who study or work at the university.

Fénix offers its users various functions, such as, for example: assistance for students, summary management, release of grades, applications, schedules, enrollment, tuition payment, and room reservation, among others.

To access and learn more about this service, click here.

Service support page, available here.


Students can access the resources of Iscte from home through VPN (Virtual Private Networking), which establishes a secure tunnel connection between the personal computer and the network of Iscte.

By establishing a private virtual connection (VPN), the home computer behaves as if it were physically connected to Iscte. This way, a student can access to services whose subscription depends on the access happening at an IP address assigned to Iscte.

Among these services, one may find access to the content of many scientific research publications through the service b-on (of FCCN) and various databases.

One can also access other services, such as remote desktop, through the configuration of the Iscte VPN.

For more information see the SIIC website here.

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