Cooperation Programmes and Agreements

Erasmus+ Programme

Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sports. 

Erasmus+ provides students with the opportunity to study or do internships at the partner schools of their home institution in another eligible country for full academic credit.

Iscte has more than 400 agreements under the Erasmus+ Program that give the students of our partner universities the opportunity to attend Iscte for a period of study or an internship.

Students coming from one of our partner institutions must be selected by their home institution and nominated to the International Relations Office of Iscte.

Erasmus Mundus (Joint Master Degree)

Funded by the European Commission, the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) is a prestigious, international study programme, which is jointly operated by an international consortium of European and third-country universities.

Applicants who wish to participate in an Erasmus Mundus Master programme must enroll in an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course directly at the consortium that coordinates it. Students at the Master's level worldwide can apply. Iscte is a partner of the following Erasmus Mundus programs: MFamily, Global - MINDS and TourDC.

Bilateral Agreements

Apart from externally funded programmes, Iscte also cooperates bilaterally with more than 200 higher education institutions outside Europe in order to develop joint initiatives or strengthen existing contacts. The main purpose of these programmes is to create mobility opportunities for teaching and research for students and staff within non-EU higher education institutions.

Students coming from one of our partner institutions must be selected by their home institution and nominated to the International Relations Office of Iscte.

Other Programs

There are also other student exchange programmes in which Iscte participates, such as, the Study in Portugal Network or the Almeida Garrett Programme (exchange with Portugal).

The International office of your own institution can give you more specific information about these exchange programmes, (possible) scholarships and application procedures.

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