What qualifications do I need?

Access conditions

Candidates with an international student profile may apply to this special competition provided that they are:

  • Holders of a qualification that, in the country in which it was obtained, entitles them to apply and enter higher education in that country; it must be proven that the qualifications held guarantee access to higher education in the country of origin;
  • Holders of a Portuguese secondary education diploma or legally equivalent*;
  • International students already attending higher education, in Portugal or in another country, through transfer or programme change (change of institution/programme pair).

Admission conditions

To enter an Undergraduate Degree (Licenciatura) or an Integrated Master's Degree (Mestrado Integrado) programme through the Special Competition for Access and Admission for International Students, international candidates must demonstrate, cumulatively:

  • Academic qualification in the areas of knowledge required for the cycle of studies to which they are applying;
  • An independent command of the language of instruction of the study cycle to which they are applying - minimum level B1, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), not applicable to candidates from Portuguese / English speaking countries as well as Spanish / Spanish speaking candidates.

*Legal equivalent qualifications:

Germany, Angola, Cape Verde, Russian Federation, Greece, Mexico, Mozambique, People's Republic of China and Ukraine - Portaria nº. 224/2006.

Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cuba, Denmark, France, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Moldova, Morocco, Netherlands, Pakistan, Romania, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Turkey, Venezuela and Zimbabwe - Portaria nº. 699/2006.

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