Practical Information


As Lisbon became a very attractive city, the accommodation for students has decreased and became more expensive. It is extremely important for students to start checking accommodation as soon as possible before the arrival.

We strongly advise to apply directly - and as soon as admitted - to the residences and private housing connections. More information at: Iscte_Accommodation

Options include private accommodation and Iscte Hall of Residence. The Professor José Pinto Peixoto University Hall of Residence at Iscte meets some of the accommodation needs of its exchange students and Professors. It is situated off-campus.

Necessary guidance and information will be sent to the students well in advance.


Students must confirm that they have valid insurance for the duration of their stay in Lisbon, in the form of either the European Health Insurance Card (for EU and European Economic Area nationals) or private insurance with medical coverage (for nationals of other countries).

A copy of the student’s health insurance/European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) must be uploaded onto the Iscte system together with students’ registration.

In addition, we highly recommend that students purchase private insurance that includes other expenses such as repatriation, other specific medical interventions, liability insurance, accidents, etc.

After arrival, all students must pay an enrolment fee of €30 that covers their student card and their Iscte insurance (valid only fo Iscte activities).


Students that need visas must contact the nearest Portuguese Consulate as soon as possible - it usually takes up to 60 days to obtain a travel permit. More information can be found here.

Further information is also available at SEF website here.

A Letter of Acceptance for this purpose will be issued by Iscte and sent directly to their home university.

Orientation Programme

Each semester, the IRO organizes an Orientation week for exchange students, the main objective of which is to present Iscte and its surroundings.

During this programme, students participate in a variety of academic, social and cultural activities. In this context, students get to know the IRO team, other foreign students and the city of Lisbon. This Orientation programme normally takes place the week before the beginning of each academic semester.

To better prepare for your integration, it is strongly advised that you participate!

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