Bachelor Degree


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6 Years
30 Jul 2019
Accreditation DGES
Initial registry R/A-Ef 1034/2011 de 18-03-2011
Update registry R/A-Ef 1034/2011/AL01 de 22-07-2015 | R/A-Ef 1034/2011/AL02 de 05-05-2017
School of Sociology and Public Policy
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E03
(+351) 210 464 015
9:30 - 18:00
Lectured in Portuguese
Teaching Type In person

Faculty for (2024/2025)

Europe and the World Between the Wars | Cultures of Protest in the XX Century Europe
History of European Construction
Ana Mónica Fonseca is Assistant Professor at the Department of History at Iscte and, since 2022, director of the Center for International Studies at Iscte. Since January 2022, she has been the Director of the Master’s in Modern and Contemporary History and, between September 2019 and September 2023, Sub-Director of the Masters in International Studies. She is an integrated researcher at the Center for International Studies at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (CEI-IUL), having been an elected member of its Scientific Committee between 2016 and 2022. Between 2006 and 2015 she was a research assistant (2006-2011) and researcher at the Portuguese Institute of International Relations of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (IPRI-NOVA). She completed her Ph.D. in Modern and Contemporary History in 2011 at the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) with a thesis entitled "«The carnations need water now!» German Social Democracy and the Portuguese transition to Democracy (1974-1976)", which received the Honorable Mention of the Vitor de Sá Prize for Contemporary History 2012 and also the Honorable Mention of the Mário Soares-EDP Foundation Prize 2012. Her M.A. dissertation in History of International Relations (ISCTE-IUL), which received the Fundação Mário Soares Award in 2006, was published in 2007: A Força das Armas: The support of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Estado Novo (1958-1968) [Lisbon: MNE-ID, 2007]. Her research areas focus on transitions to democracy in Southern Europe, Portuguese-German relations during the Cold War and European social democracy, and the promotion of democracy. She has published regularly in national and international journals (Journal of European Integration History, Portuguese Journal of Social Sciences, Ler História, Relações Internacionais), and participated in several collective works.
Europe and the World in the Nineteenth Century
Laboratory of History
Europe and the World After 1945 | Colonization and Decolonization: XIX-XX Centuries
He holds a PhD in Modern and Contemporary History - Defense and International Relations by ISCTE-IUL since 2021, with the thesis Spanish Refugees in Portugal: between policial repression and popular solidarity (1936-1945), with which he won Mário Soares -  EDP Foundation 2021 prize and an honorable mention within the scope of the Victor de Sá Prize for Contemporary History (2021).  He is a researcher at CIES - IUL in the project International collaborations: criminality and police cooperation in the Ibero-American Atlantic, c. 1870-1940, funded by the FCT (PTDC/HAR-HIS/3580/2021). He was a FCT research fellow between  2016 and 2020 (SFRH/BD/114813/2016) and a doctoral fellow in CIES-IUL. He is master in Modern and Contemporary History - International Relations by ISCTE-IUL since 2015, with the dissertation International Circulations and Liberalism. The Portuguese liberal exile, 1828-1832. In 2014 he was research fellow in the project "Social Control and Criminal Policy in Portuguese Liberalism, national reforms, transnational circulations, c.1820-1867 (EXPL/EPH-HIS/1600/2013). He is author of the articles O Exílio Liberal Português de 1828-1832, um fenómeno multidimensional: práticas sociais e culturais, Refugiados em Portugal: fronteira e vigilância no tempo da Guerra Civil de Espanha (1936-1939), Refugiados em Portugal. Repressão e controlo no contexto da Guerra Civil de Espanha (1936-1939), Refugiados espanhóis em Castro Laboreiro (1936-1939), Refugiados no Forte de Caxias no contexto da Guerra Civil de Espanha (1936-39) and of the working-paper Refugiados em Portugal nos inícios do Estado Novo: movimento, controlo e repressão policial no contexto da Guerra Civil de Espanha (1936-1939).
Data Analysis for the Social Sciences
Assistant Professor at ISCTE-IUL and CIES and had completed his MSc and PhD in  Demography by FCSH of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Member of the Associação Portuguesa de Demografia. Author of 20 scientific articles and 10 book chapters about 20 demographic topics as: fertility, contraception, mortality, migrations and demographic projections
Early Modern Portugal | Early Modern Comparative History | Portugal in the Ancien Régime
Intership in Modern and Contemporary History | Early Modern Europe History | History of Portuguese Expansion | Theories of History
Luís Miguel Carolino is an Associate Professor (with "Agregação") at the Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL), Portugal, where he is also a researcher affiliated with CIES. He was Visiting Professor at the University of California, Berkeley (2019) and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2007). Before joining the History Department at the ISCTE-IUL, in September 2013, he held postdoc and research positions at the Institute and Museum of the History of Science (IMSS), Florence, Italy (2001-02), Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences (MAST), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2002-07) and University of Lisbon, Portugal (2008-13). His main research interests concern History of Science, History of Learned Institutions and Early Modern Natural Philosophy, Cosmology and Astronomy, areas in which he has published extensively. Carolino is member of the International Commission of the History of Universities.  
History of the Cold War | Portuguese History
Luís Nuno Rodrigues is a Full Professor in the Department of History at ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon, where he leads the Master’s and PhD programs in International Studies. He holds a PhD in American History from the University of Wisconsin and a PhD in Modern and Contemporary History (specializing in the History of International Relations in the Contemporary Era) from ISCTE-IUL. He has been a Visiting Professor at Brown University, USA. He previously served as Director of the Portuguese Journal of Social Science, Director of the PhD in History, Security, and Defense Studies (in collaboration with the Military Academy), and Director of the ISCTE Centre for International Studies. His areas of expertise include the History of International Relations, Cold War History, 20th Century Portuguese History, and the History of the United States of America. He has supervised dozens of PhD and Master’s theses. He has organized over a hundred colloquia, conferences, and seminars and has presented papers at a similar number of academic events in Portugal and abroad. He is the author of 9 books, editor of another 8, and has published 55 book chapters or entries in collective works, as well as over 30 articles in academic journals. His work Kennedy-Salazar: The Crisis of an Alliance. Luso-American Relations between 1961 and 1963, published in 2002, received the Mário Soares Foundation and Aristides Sousa Mendes Awards. His most recent publications include the book Spínola, published by Esfera dos Livros in 2010, the collective work Perceptions of NATO and the New Strategic Concept, which he co-edited with Volodymyr Dubovyk, the article “Establishing a ‘Cultural Base’? The Creation of the Fulbright Program in Portugal,” published in 2017 in the International History Review, and the collective work L’Aviation et son impact sur le temps et l’espace, published in 2019 by Editions Le Manuscript.
Laboratory of History | Marginality and Social Control in Contemporary History
Liberal Revolutions in Portugal | Portugal After 1974
Maria Luísa Brandão Tiago de Oliveira completed her PhD in Modern and Contemporary History in 2000 at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and her degree in History in 1981 at the University of Lisbon. She is an Associated Professor at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and a full researcher at CIES. Historian, she frequently collaborates with colleagues from other Social Sciences, naimly Antropology. Areas of interest: Oral History, Resistance Cultures, Transition to Democracy, Social Movements.  
World Economy XIX and XX Th Centuries
Professor at Lisbon University Institute, Nuno Luis Madureira works currently in the areas of energy and environmental history. Visiting scholar at University of Harvard and visiting scholar at University of Berkeley, USA; member of the permanent pool of referees of the European Science Foundation (2006-2013) and of the College of Reviewers of the European Science Foundation (2016-2023).  Member  of the Research Foundation- Flanders (FWO) Review College. Consultant of the  NWO -Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research.  Member of ISCTE's General Board. Editor of the Journal Frontiers in sustainability. Coordinator of several collective research projects. Author of thirteen Books, the last of which, "Key concepts in energy: technology, economy and History", Springer, was published in 2014. Author of academic articles published in the following journals: Entreprise & Society; Frontiers in Energy Research;  Energy Policy; Environment and History;  Technology & Culture;  Business History; Business History Review;  Journal of the Philosophy of History;  Journal of Global History;  Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional;  Contemporary European History; European Review of History- Revue Europeenne d'Histoire;  Journal of Contemporary History;  Política y Sociedad and LLul. Short articles can also be found in several International Encyclopedias and web sites. N.L. Madureira speaks fluently French and English.
Methodologies of History | Portugal From Regeneration to Republic | Information Systems: Libraries and Archives
Paulo Teodoro de Matos is an historian and holds a PhD in Historical Demography. Since 2019 he is Assistant Professor at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Department of History. His main research activities are related to Historical Demography, Social History and History of the Portuguese Expansion. Recently he has been also interested in studying prices and wages in the Portuguese Indic Ocean, 1500-1650. He is the PI of the international research project “Counting Colonial Populations. Demography and the uses of statistic in the Portuguese empire, 1776-1875” and member of the research project "Local and European Wages in the Portuguese Ocean, 1500-1650: new sources and analytical tools". Together with Isabel Tiago de Oliveira, he is the Portuguese representative of COST ACTION - The Great Leap. Multidisciplinary approaches to health inequalities, 1800-2022 (GREATLEAP) Ref. CA22116 His latest publication is Teodoro de Matos, Paulo (2023), "Portuguese Colonial Cities on the Atlantic Coasts: A Demographic Study, 1776–1809", e-journal of Portuguese History, vol. 21, nº 1
Introduction to Demography
Master in Demography and Sociology of Population and PhD in Sociology from Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Associate Professor at the Department of Social Research Methods (DMPS) and Researcher at CIES-Iscte, in the Family, Generations and Health research line. Co-coordinator of the Laboratory of Social Studies on Birth - of the Pedagogical Council of Iscte.Member of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Social Research Methods, School of Sociology and Public Policy (ESPP).President of the Jury of the M23 competition of the ESPP, and member of the Scientific Committee of the special competitions for access to Iscte, which contributes to the design of training and monitoring responses for an increasingly diverse student body, aiming to improve access conditions and the academic and social experience of students (from 2019 to 2023).Areas of research interest: Demography, Sociology of Population and Sociology of Birth and Maternity.Co-coordinator of an international cooperation project in the area of Education and Higher Education with the Amílcar Cabral University in Guinea-Bissau.Researcher in the projects FEMINA, EQUALS4COVID19, ERASMUS+ Education and Training, and member of the team responsible for the elaboration of the Strategic Plan for Intermunicipal Development of Education in Alto Alentejo, the Strategic Educational Plan of Baixo Alentejo and Municipal Educational Charters.
School of Sociology and Public Policy
Sedas Nunes Building (Building I), room 1E03
(+351) 210 464 015
9:30 - 18:00
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