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Tuition fee EU nationals (2024/2025)
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The Msc in Public Administration is two years long, and requires the completion of 120 ECTS credits, which are divided among 60 credits in mandatory curricular units, 12 in elective curricular units and 48 in the dissertation or final project. The predominant discipline of the course is Public Policy, which is complemented by material from Administration Science, Political Science, Management, Finance, Law and Economics.
Programme Structure for 2024/2025
Curricular Courses | Credits | |
1st Year | ||
Public Administration Law
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
State, Governance and Public Policy
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Ethics, Cybersecurity and Privacy
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Human Resources Management in Public Organizations
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Accountability and Responsabilies on the Public Administration
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Debates in Public Policy
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Research Design
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Public Management and Public Value
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
Comparative Administrative Modernization
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
The Control of Financial Administration of the State
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Mandatory Courses | 6.0 |
2nd Year | ||
Master Dissertation in Public Administration
48.0 ECTS
Final Work | 48.0 |
Master Project in Public Administration
48.0 ECTS
Final Work | 48.0 |
2nd Cycle Internship
6.0 ECTS
Parte Escolar > Optional Courses > Free Optional | 6.0 |
Public Administration Law
It is intended to analyse and discuss with participants:
- the relation between the rule of law and the SDG;
- the position of Public Administration under the rule of law;
- the distinction between the notions of Law, Public Administration and Administrative Law, identifying the characteristics and limits of the pulling away of public administration to private law;
- the constitutional framework of the organization and activities of public administration;
- the key aspects of the relationship between administrative power and the administrative division of territory;
- the structures and the exercise of administrative power in the context of contemporary public management;
- the fundamental characteristics of the administrative procedure;
- the defining elements of the employment procedures applicable to public employees;
- trends and lines of evolution in public employment in the EU;
- the main types of citizens guarantees and the different instruments that embody them.
1. State, Public Administration and Law
1.1. The administrative function in the context of State functions
1.2. Administrative system and values
1.3.The pulling away of public administration to private law
2. The administrative organization
2.1. The constitutional principles
2.2. Administrative power and administrative division of territory
2.3. The multiplication of regulatory bodies and the model of agencies
3. The administrative activity
3.1. Constitutional principles
3.2. Administrative act and administrative procedure: from the top-down to the bottom-up approach
3.3. New procedures for the formulation of public interest
4. Public employment system
4.1. Constitutional principles
4.2. Patterns of employment in public administration:
4.3. Privatization of the public employment in the EU?
5. Protection of individuals
5.1. Fundamental rights and active citizenship
5.2. Evolution of administrative and jurisdictional guarantees
The UC can be attended under continuous assessment or final exam. Continuous assessment rule: (a) Assessment test which consists of a written individual work, based on the suggested bibliography (maximum 15 pages), which accounts for 75% of the grade (b) Oral presentation of a theme (10/15 minutes), one or two articles from the bibliography or supplementary literature, which accounts for 25% of the grade.
The class attendance rule: 75% mandatory attendance
Title: Sousa, Marcelo Rebelo de e André Salgado de Matos (2008 e 2007), Direito Administrativo Geral, Tomo I, 2008 e Tomo III, 2009, Lisboa, D. Quixote
Otero, Paulo (2015), Manual de Direito Administrativo, Coimbra, Almedina
Moncada, Luiz S. Cabral de (2019), Código do Procedimento Administrativo Anotado, Lisboa, Quid Juris
Gomes, João Salis (2010), Interesse público, controle democrático do Estado e cidadania, in Augusto de Athayde et al (org.), Em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Diogo Freitas do Amaral, Coimbra, Almedina, pp. 354-378
Estorninho, Maria João (2009), A fuga para o direito privado, Coimbra, Almedina
Caupers, João e Vera Eiró (2016), Introdução ao Direito Administrativo, Lisboa, Âncora
Canotilho, Gomes e Vital Moreira (2014), Constituição da República Portuguesa anotada, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora
Amaral, Diogo Freitas do (2018), Curso de Direito Administrativo, Coimbra, Almedina
Reference: null
Title: Ziller, Jacques (2008), The Continental System of Administrative Legality, em B. Guy Peters e Jon Pierre, The Handbook of Public Administration, Londres, Sage
Wolff, Hans J. et alii (2006), Direito Administrativo, vol. 1, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Wade H. W. R. e C. F. Forsyth (2009), Administrative Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press
Tavares, José (2000), Administração Pública e Direito Administrativo ? Guia de Estudo, Coimbra, Almedina
Silva, Vasco Pereira da (2003), Em busca do acto administrativo perdido, Coimbra, Almedina
Rosenbloom, David H., Robert S. Kravchuk e Richard M. Clerkin (2009), Public Administration: Understanding Management, Politics and Law in the Public Sector, Nova Iorque, McGraw Hill
Quadros, Fausto (1999), A Nova Dimensão do Direito Administrativo. O Direito Administrativo Português na Perspectiva Comunitária, Coimbra, Almedina
Otero, Paulo (2007), Legalidade e Administração Pública ? O sentido da vinculação administrativa à juridicidade, Coimbra, Almedina
Ost, François e Michel van de Kerchove (2002), De la pyramide au réseau? Pour une théorie dialectique du droit, Bruxelas, Publications des Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis
Oliveira, Padrel (2013), Relação Jurídica de Emprego Público - Vinculação, Carreiras e Remunerações, Coimbra, Almedina
Oliveira, António Cândido de (2014), Direito das Autarquias Locais, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora
Novais, Jorge Reis (2006), Contributo para uma Teoria do Estado de Direito, Coimbra, Almedina
Neves, Maria José Castanheira (2004), Governo e administração local, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora
Moura, Paulo Veiga e (2004), A Privatização da Função Pública, Coimbra, Almedina
Moreira, Vital (1998), Constituição e Direito Administrativo (A Constituição Administrativa Portuguesa), in AB UNO AD OMNES. 75 Anos da Coimbra Editora, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora
Morand, Charles-Albert (2003), Le droit néo-moderne des politiques publiques, Paris, L.G. D.J.
Machete, Rui Chancerelle de (2002), Um novo paradigma nas relações Estado-Sociedade, Revista Nova Cidadania nº 12, Lisboa
Machete, Rui Chancerelle de(2003), Reestruturação do Estado, serviços públicos e mercado, em Juan Mozzicafreddo, João Salis Gomes e João S. Batista (orgs.), Ética e Administração: Como Modernizar os Serviços Públicos?, Oeiras, Celta Editora, pp. 345-352
Machete, Rui Chancerelle de (2004), O direito administrativo português no último quartel do século XX e nos primeiros anos do século XXI, in Estudos de Direito Público, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora
Machete, Pedro (2007), A audiência dos interessados no procedimento administrativo, Lisboa, Universidade Católica Editora
Loughlin, Martin (2004), The Idea of Public Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press
Graça, Pedro Quartin (2009), Regime do Contrato de Trabalho em Funções Públicas - Estatuto Disciplinar dos Trabalhadores que exercem Funções Públicas Anotados, Lisboa, Áreas Editora
Gonçalves, Pedro (2008), Entidades Privadas com Poderes Públicos, Coimbra, Almedina
Gonçalves, Maria Eduarda e Pierre Guibentif (2008), Novos Territórios do Direito ? Europeização, Globalização e Transformação da Regulação Jurídica, Lisboa, Principia
Gomes, João Salis (2000), Qualidade da regulação jurídica e redefinição estratégica da gestão pública, separata da Revista de Administração Local, nº 179, pp. 635-648
Enterria, Eduardo Garcia de (2001), La lengua de los derechos. La formación del Derecho Público europeo tras la Revolución Francesa, Madrid, Civitas
Enterria, Eduardo Garcia de e Tomás Ramón Fernandez (2008 e 2002), Curso de Derecho Administrativo, vol. I, Madrid, Civitas, 2008 e vol. II, Madrid, Civitas, 2002
Dromi, Roberto (2003), Sistema e valores administrativos, Buenos Aires-Madrid, Ciudad Argentina
Craig, Paul (2008), Administrative Law in the Anglo-American Tradition?, em B. Guy Peters e Jon Pierre, The Handbook of Public Administration, Londres, Sage
Chevallier, Jacques (1992), L'État de droit, Paris, Montchrestien
Antunes, Luis Filipe Colaço (2000), Para um Direito Administrativo de Garantia do Cidadão e da Administração, Coimbra, Almedina
Antunes, Luis Filipe Colaço (2008),Direito Administrativo sem Estado - Crise ou fim de um paradigma?, Coimbra,Coimbra Editora
Andrade, José Carlos Vieira de (2007), O dever de fundamentação expressa dos actos administrativos, Coimbra, Almedina
Reference: null
State, Governance and Public Policy
This curricular unit aims to:
(a) Identify main concepts, theories and models in the field of State, Administration and Public Policies;
(b) describe situations and diagnoses in Public Administration;
(c) identify and contrast main theories about Public Administration and Public Policies;
(d) describe and use analytical grids and indicators on the evolution and characteristics of the State and Administration.
- Formation of an institutional and administrative space of power
- Power systems and administration modalities (historical perspective)
- State and administration: the growth factors
- Evolution and modality: responses to contemporary challenges
- State: interaction model, functions and action mechanisms
- The state model in transition
- Reorganization of its functions
- The cycle of public policies
- Actors in Public Policy
- Theories and models of analysis of Public Policies
- Characteristics of Public Administration
- Main organizational and operational problems
- Different perspectives on public administration reform and convergence process
- Agencies, Independent authorities in public administration
- Networks
The evaluation of this course unit (UC) takes place in two possible ways:
Throughout the semester:
Attendance requirement: minimum of 75% class attendance.
Includes class participation and group work (25%) and a final individual project (75%) with a maximum of 15 pages, in accordance with the guidelines provided on the e-learning platform. If necessary, the project may be discussed in an individual oral presentation.
By exam:
Consists of an individual written assignment of 15 pages (100%), in accordance with the guidelines provided on the e-learning platform. If necessary, the assignment may be discussed in an individual oral presentation.
Title: Baute, S., Meuleman, B.,&Abts, K.(2019) Welfare State Attitudes and Support for Social Europe: Spillover or Obstacle?,Journal of Social Policy, 48,127-145
Bouckaert, G., & Brans, M. (2019) The politics of bureaucracy in the face of different legal futures. 21, 530-540
Castles, Leibfried & Pierson (Eds) (2010) The Oxford Handbook of Welfare State, Oxford Univ.Press
Ferlie Ewan et. al (2007) The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, Oxford Univ.Press
Ferraz, D.(2020). Políticas Públicas e Segurança Social: génese, funções, tensões e Equilíbrios. In SEGURANÇA SOCIAL: SISTEMA, PROTEÇÃO, SOLIDARIEDADE E SUSTENTABILIDADE.
Giauque, David (2003), New Public Management and organizational regulation:the liberal bureaucracy?IRAS,69:4
Loeffler, E. (2023). Co-production of public services and outcomes. In Public Management and Governance (pp. 299-314). Routledge.
Reference: null
Title: Araújo, J. Filipe (2000), ""Tendências recentes de abordagem à reforma administrativa"", Revista de Administração e Políticas Pública, Vol. I, nº 1
Araújo, Joaquim F Esteves (2002), ?NPM and the change in the Portuguese central Government?, International Public Management Journal, 5 (3)
Aspalter, Christian (2006), ?The East Asian Welfare Model?, International Journal of Social Welfare, 15
Behen, Robert (1998), The New Public Management Paradigm and the Search for Democratic Accountability?, International Public Management Journal, 1998
Bouckaert, Geert (2003), ?La Réforme de la Gestion Publique change-t-elle les Systèmes Administratifs ? » Revue Française d?Administrations Publique, nº 105/10,
Bouckaert, G. (2023). The neo-Weberian state: From ideal type model to reality? Max Weber Studies, 23(1), 13-59.
Bovens, Mark (2007),?Public Accountability?, in Ewan Ferlie. Laurence Lynn Jr & Christopher Pollitt, The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, Oxford, Oxford University Press
Bozeman, Barry (2007), Public Values and Public Interest ? Counterbalancing economic individualism, Washington, Georgetown University Press
Braithwaite, John (2006), «The Regulatory State? in Rhodes R.A., Sarah Binder e Berta Rockman, The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions, Oxford, Oxford University Press
Bumgarner, John (2009), ?The Irony of NPM. The inevitable extension of the role of the American State?, The American Review of Public administration, Vol. 30, nº 2
Castles, Francis (2001), ?Needs-Based strategies of social protection in Australia and New Zealand?, in Gosta Esping-Andersen (ed. By), Welfare State in Transition ? National adaptations in global economies, London, Sage Publications
Castles, Leibfried & Pierson (Eds) (2010) The Oxford Handbook of Welfare State, Oxford Univ.Press
Christensen Tom e Per Laegreid (2006), Autonomy and Regulation ? Coping with Agencies in the Modern State, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar
Christensen, Laegrid (2006), Rebalancing the State: Reregulation, em Autonomy and Regulation, Edward Elgard
Denhardt, Janet e Robert Denhardt (2003), The new service public ? Serving, not Steering, NY, M.E. Sharpe
Dingwall, Robert and Tim Strangleman (2007), ?Organizational Cultures in the Public Service?, in Ferlie, Ewan, Laurence Lynn e Christopher Pollitt (2007) , The Oxford Handbook of Public Management , Oxford, Oxford University Press
Esping-Andersen, G. (2000), ?Um Estado-providência para o século XXI?, in M.J. Rodrigues (Coor.), Para uma Europa da Inovação e do Conhecimento, Oeiras, Celta Editora
Farrell, Catherina e Jonathan Morris (2003), ?The ?neo bureaucratic? State: Professionals, managers and professionals managers in school, general practice and social work?, Organization, 10. 1
Farrell, Catherine (2000), ""Citizen Participation in governance"", Public Money and Management, January-March
Ferrera, Maurizio (2008), ?The European Welfare State: Golden Achievements, Silver Prospects?, West European Politics, Vol. 31, nº 1-2
Flora, Peter e Jens Alber (1984), ?Modernizations, democratization and the development of welfare states in western Europe?, in Peter Flora e Arnold Heidenheimer (Org.), The Development of Welfare States in Europe and America, Londres, Transaction Publishers.
Gay, Paul du (2009), The Value of Bureaucracy, Oxford, Oxford University Press
Giauque, David (2003), ?New Public Management and organizational regulation: the liberal bureaucracy?, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 69:4
Giauque, David (2003), La Bureaucratie Libérale. Nouvelle gestion publique et régulations organisationnelle, Paris, L?Harmattan
Giauque, David (2003), New Public Management and organizational regulation:the liberal bureaucracy?IRAS,69:4
Greffe, Xavier (1999), Gestion Publique, Paris, Dalloz
Leibfried, Stephan e Michael Zürn (2005), Transformations of the state?, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
Majone, Giandomenico (1997), ?From the positive to the regulatory State: Causes and consequences of changes in the mode of governance"", Journal of Public Policy, 17, 2, 1997
Mozzicafreddo, Juan (1998), ?Estado, modernidade e cidadania?, in José M. P. Leite Viegas e António Firmino da Costa, Portugal, que modernidade? Oeiras, Celta Editora
Mozzicafreddo, Juan (2000), Estado-providência e Cidadania em Portugal, Oeiras, Celta Editora (1ª edição de 1997)
Mozzicafreddo, Juan (2001), ?Modernização da administração pública e poder político?, in J. Mozzicafreddo e J. Salis Gomes (org.), Administração e política ? Perspectivas de reforma da administração pública na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, Oeiras, Celta Editora
Mozzicafreddo, Juan (2003), ?La décentralisation administrative et les innovations des politiques régionales au Portugal"", Sociologia ? Problemas e Práticas, 41
Mozzicafreddo, Juan et al. (2007), Interesse Público, Estado e Administração, Oeiras, Celta Editora
Mozzicafreddo, Juan et. al. (2003), Ética e administração ? Como modernizar os serviços públicos?, Oeiras, Celta Editora
Mulvey, G. (2018). Social Citizenship, Social Policy and Refugee Integration: a Case of Policy Divergence in Scotland? Journal of Social Policy, 47(1), 161-178. doi:10.1017/S0047279417000253Kevins, A., Horn, A., Jensen, C., & Van Kersbergen, K. Motive Attribution and the Moral Politics of the Welfare State. Journal of Social Policy, 1-21. doi:10.1017/S0047279419000175
Nolan, B., Salverda, W., Checchi, D., Marx, I., McKnight, A., Tóth, I. G., & van de Werfhorst, H. G. (2014). Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries: Thirty Countries' Experiences: OUP Oxford.
Painter, Martin e B. Guy Peters (2010), ?The analysis of administrative tradition? and ?Administrative traditions in comparative perspective ? Families, Groups and Hybrids?, in Martin Painter e B. Guy Peters, Tradition and Public Administration, London and New York, Palgrave & Macmillan
Peters, B. Buy (2009), ?Still the century of Bureaucracy? ? The role of public servants?, Public Policy and Administration, nº 30
Peters, B. Guy e Donald Savoie (2000), Governance in the Twenty-first Century-Revitalizing the Public Service, London, McGill-Queen?s University Press
Pierson, Christopher (2011), The Modern State, London and New York, Routledge (3ª edição)
Pitschas, Rainer (1993), ?Aspects of Max Weber? Theory on Bureaucracy and New Public Management?, The Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. XXXIX, nº 4
Pitschas, Rainer (2007), ?Gestão do valor público ? Um conceito de governação pública baseado no valor entre a economização e o bem comum?, in Mozzicafreddo, Juan et al. (2007), Interesse Público, Estado e Administração, Oeiras, Celta Editora
Pollitt, Christopher e Geert Bouckaert (2004), Public Management Reform ? A comparative analysis, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2ª Edição)
Rocha, J.A. Oliveira (2001), Gestão pública e modernização administrativa, Oeiras, INA
Rocha, J.A. Oliveira e Joaquim F. Esteves Araújo (2007),?Administrative Reform in Portugal: Problem and Prospect?, International Review of Administrative Science, 73
Rosteutscher, Sigrid (2000), ""Democracia associativa: as instituições voluntárias como campo de treino para a democracia?"", in José M. P. Leite Viegas e Eduardo Costa Dias (Org), Cidadania, integração e globalização, Oeiras, celta Editora
Schmidt, J. Pedro (2008), ?Para entender as políticas públicas. Elementos conceptuais e metodológicos?, em Jorge Renato do Reis e Rogério Gesta Leal (orgs.), Direitos sociais e políticas públicas, Santa Cruz do Sul, EDUNISC
Rosenbloom, D. H., Kravchuk, R. S., & Clerkin, R. M. (2022). Public administration: Understanding management, politics, and law in the public sector. Routledge.
Stillman II, Richard J. (1997), ?American vs. European Public Administration: Does Public Administration Make the Modern State, or Does the State Make Public Administration??, Public Administration Review, Vol. 57, nº4
Stivers, Camila (1998), ?Active Citizenship and Public Administration?, in Gary Wamsley et al., (Ed. by) Redounding Public Administration, Newbury Park, Sage Publication
Strayer, Joseph (1969), As origens medievais do Estado moderno, Lisboa, Gradiva
Teles, F. (2021). Descentralização e poder local em Portugal. Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
Waters, Malcom (1999), Globalização, Oeiras, Celta Editora
Yih-Jiunn Lee and Yeun-wen Ku (2007), ?East Asian Welfare Regimes: Testing the hypotheses of the development Welfare State?, Social Policy and Administration, Vol. 41, nº 2
Reference: null
Ethics, Cybersecurity and Privacy
'At the end of this course, participants should be able to:
- Know the concepts of ethics and integrity and their centrality in public management
- Characterize the notions associated with the concepts of Ethics and Conduct in the exercise of public functions
- Know the methodologies and care associated with the development of instruments to promote ethics and integrity in public institutions
- Know the main indicators of the digital area
- Know the main indicators specific to the area of Cybersecurity and Privacy
- Raise awareness of the main challenges facing the path to digital transformation
- Alert to the risks inherent in the use of information technologies
- Learn the main public policy measures in the area of Cybersecurity and Privacy and the respective prevention and protection measures
- Develop strategic thinking skills on critical factors for a digital economy in the face of new challenges
1. Ethics, Conduct and Integrity in the public service:
Conduct and integrity as a realization of the values of Ethics;
The guarantees of impartiality and the conflict of interests;
Ethical dilemmas and their resolution.
The Ethics Charter and other references;
Codes of ethics and conduct;
Approach to ethical references in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Management and corruption risk prevention plan.
2. Cybersecurity
Public Administratio (PA) and the legal framework for cyberspace security
Regulatory framework
PA bodies involved in cybersecurity
Incident reporting and case studies
Building a cybersecurity culture in the PA
AI, machine learning: risks, advantages, impacts; ethics and security of algorithms.
3. Privacy
The challenges of data, its reuse in the public sector, and privacy
The GDPR, the implementing Law, and the risk-based approach
Data protection policies in the PA
The EU proposal for regulating AI
The special regime of the GDPR for scientific research
The assessment is throughout the semester.
It includes three individual exercises during the semester (each exercise worth 12.5%) and a final group project (worth 62.5%).
To pass the semester assessment, students must achieve a weighted average of at least 9.5 out of 20 and a minimum score of 7 out of 20 on each individual exercise.
Students who do not pass the semester assessment have two exam periods (1st and 2nd period). The exam consists of submitting an individual written assignment.
Title: - Barros, G. O. de (2018). A Cibersegurança em Portugal. Tema Económico n.º 56, Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos do Ministério da Economia.
- Barros, G. O. de (2021). Digitalisation, Skills and Cybersecurity in Portugal ? Critical Factors in a Digital Economy driven by Covid-19. Tema Económico n.º 89, Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos do Ministério da Economia.
- Bilhim, João (2014), ?As Práticas dos Gestores Públicos em Portugal e os Códigos de Ética?. Disponível em:
- Gameiro, António Ribeiro (2020), ?Ética e integridade na vida pública?, in Maia, A. J., Almeida, J.F., Silva, M. T. & Serra, R. (Coords), Ética e Integridade na Vida Pública, Lisboa, Almedina."
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, The Handbook on European data protection law, 2018,,
Reference: null
Title: Tema 1:
- Figar, Nadica e Dordevic, Biljana (2016), ?Managing an Ethical Dilemma?, Economic Themes. Disponível em:
- Maia, António João (2020), ?Ética e integridade na Governação Pública ? A corrupção e a fraude, e a sua prevenção?, in Maia, A. J., Almeida, J.F., Silva, M. T. & Serra, R. (Coords), Ética e Integridade na Vida Pública, Lisboa, Almedina.
- Naessens, Hilda (2010), ?Etica publica y transparência?. Disponível em:
- Provedor de Justiça Europeu, O Código Europeu de Boa Conduta Administrativa. Disponível em: Soares, Luis Miguel Pereira (2008), ?A Ética na Administração Pública?, Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas.
- Santos, António J. Marques dos (2011), ?A Ética Organizacional como Instrumento de Gestão na Prossecução do Interesse Público, 8. ° Congresso nacional de Administração Pública, 21 a 22 de novembro de 2011?. Disponível em:
- Silva, António Santos e João Figueiredo (2017), ?Conflito de interesses e ética do serviço público?, in Maia, A. J., Sousa, B., Pimenta, C. (Coords), Ética e Integridade na Vida Pública, Lisboa, Almedina.
- OCDE (2017), Recomendação do Conselho da OCDE sobre Integridade Pública. Disponível em:
- The Greens/EFA parliamentary group (2018), The costs of corruption across the European Union. Disponível em:
- Constituição da República Portuguesa;
- Lei Geral do Trabalho em Funções Públicas, aprovada pela Lei n.º 35/2014, de 20 de junho;
- Código do Procedimento Administrativo;
- Código Penal;
- Código de Conduta do XXIII Governo Constitucional, aprovado pela Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 42/2022;
- Regime do exercício de funções por titulares de cargos políticos e altos cargos públicos, aprovado pela Lei n.º 52/2019, de 31 de julho;
- Mecanismo Nacional Anticorrupção e o regime geral de prevenção da corrupção, aprovado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 109-E/2021, de 9 de dezembro;
- Carta ética da Administração Pública;
- Projeto-piloto de implementação do princípio da «pegada legislativa» no âmbito do procedimento legislativo governamental, aprovado pela Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 143/2021, de 3 de novembro;
- Carta Deontológica do Serviço Público de Portugal, aprovada pela Resolução do Conselho de Ministros, n.º 18/93, de 18 de fevereiro.
Tema 2:
- Barros, G. O. de (2018). A Economia da Cibersegurança. Tema Económico n.º 54, Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos do Ministério da Economia.
- Estrutura de Missão Portugal Digital (2020). Plano de Ação para a Transição Digital de Portugal.
- European Commission (2020). Digital economy and society statistics ? enterprises.
- European Commission (2020). Special Eurobarometer 499 - Europeans? attitudes towards cyber security.
- European Commission (2021). Analysis of the recovery and resilience plan of Portugal. Commission Staff Working Document.
- European Commission - DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology (2020). Shaping the Digital Transformation in Europe.
- European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (2021). EU Cybersecurity Initiatives in the Finance Sector.
- INCoDe.2030 (2019). AI Portugal 2030 - Portuguese National Initiative on Digital Skills: An Innovation and Growth Strategy to foster Artificial Intelligence in Portugal in the European context.
- International Telecommunication Union (2021). Global Cybersecurity Index 2020.
- Microsoft and EY (2020). Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector ? Portugal - European Outlook for 2020 and Beyond - How 213 Public Organizations Benefit from AI.
- Microsoft and EY (2018). Artificial Intelligence in Europe ? Portugal - Outlook for 2019 and Beyond - How 277 Major Companies Benefit from AI.
- Milasi, S., González-Vázquez, I., and Fernández-Macías, E.. (2021). Telework before the COVID-19 pandemic: Trends and drivers of differences across the EU. OECD Productivity Working Papers, 2021-21, OECD Publishing, Paris.
- Nordea (2018). Cybersecurity ? Nordea On Your Mind.
- OECD (2021). OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook 2021 - Times of Crisis and Opportunity.
- OECD (2021). The Digital Transformation of SMEs - OECD Studies on SMEs and Entrepreneurship. OECD Publishing, Paris.
- OECD (2020). Building Digital Workforce Capacity and Skills for Data-intensive Science. OECD Publishing, Paris.
- República Portuguesa (2021). PRR ? Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência.
- Sistema de Segurança Interna (2021). Relatório Anual de Segurança Interna de 2020 do Sistema de Segurança Interna.
- Tourism Economics (2019). The Impact of Online Content on Portuguese Tourism: An extension of prior analysis for other European countries.
- We Are Social and Hootsuite (2021). Digital in 2021.
- World Economic Forum (2021). The Global Risks Report 2021.
A. Barreto Menezes Cordeiro, Direito da Proteção de Dados à luz do RGPD e da Lei n.º 58/2019, 2020, Cordeiro (2020),
Reference: null
Human Resources Management in Public Organizations
Beyond the theoretical learning, the Course of Human Resources in Public Administration intends to provide students with the ability to critical appraisal in relation to the questions and doubts that exist today concerning human resources management in public organizations in Portugal.
Thus, it becomes a fundamental objective of the course to make the masters learn to develop a reflection and have a theoretically grounded argument about HR management in PA.
1. Introduction/framework
Administrative reform, public employment and human resources
2. Selection of civil servants and public managers in Portugal
- Recruitment procedures and selection of employees
- Integration of people in public services. - Political and administrative settings and selection of leaders
- Politicization / professionalization of PA
3. Telework as a model of work organization in PA
- Experience during the pandemic
- Advantages and disadvantages
- The future of telecommuting in PA
4. Performance Evaluation in PA in Portugal
- Performance evaluation of employees and middle managers: SIADAP and alternatives
- Performance evaluation of top managers
- Possibilities for other forms of Performance Evaluation in PA
5. Gender equality in PA HR
6. The leadership in the context of PA
7. Presentation of papers
The assessment of this UC takes place throughout the semester and includes individual participation (20%) and a final individual work (80%).
Assessment by exam consists of carrying out individual written work (100%), in accordance with the guidelines given on the e-learning platform. If necessary, it can be discussed in an individual oral presentation
Title: - OECD (2008), The Public Service of 2025 ? Themes, Challenges and Trends, Human Resources Management Trends in OECD Countries, Quebec.
- Madureira, César, Ferraz, David (2010), As configurações político-administrativas e a selecção do pessoal dirigente na Administração Pública Portuguesa, Sociologia Problemas e Práticas, Nº63, pp-51-70.
- Madureira, C. (2018), Redução e envelhecimento do emprego público em Portugal no início do século XXI: que consequências esperar? Revista Lusíada de Economia e Empresa, nº 24, 59-77.
- DGAEP (2021), A adaptação dos modelos de organização do trabalho na Administração Pública Central durante a pandemia COVID-19: Dificuldades e oportunidades, Lisboa: DGAEP.
- Madureira, C., Rando, B. & Ferraz, D. (2021), The Public Administration Performance Appraisal Integrated System (SIADAP) and the Portuguese civil servants perceptions, International Journal of Public Administration, Volume 44, Issue 4, 300-310
Reference: null
Title: - Shepherd, Geoffrey (2007), Managing the Top Officials. Some International: Some International Experience. [Manuscrito não publicado cedido pelo autor, a pedido, por e-mail em Abril de 2008].
- Schedler, K. (2004), Developing Performance indicators and measurement systems in public administration, em Strategies for Public Management Reform, L. Jones, K. Schedler e R. Mussari (orgs.), Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management, 13, Elsevier JAI.
- Rato, Helena, Madureira, César, Alexandre, Helena, Rodrigues, Miguel, Oliveira, Teresa (2007), A Igualdade de Género na Administração Pública Central portuguesa, Oeiras, Edições INA
- Peters, Tom (2001), 50 lições de liderança, Você, S.A.
- Peters, B. Guy (2001), The Politics of Bureaucracy, 5ª ed., Londres, Routledge
- OECD (2005), Trends in human resources management policies in OECD countries: An analysis of the results of the OECD survey on strategic human resources management, Paris, OECD Publishing.
- OECD (2005), Performance related pay policies for government employees, Paris, OECD Publishing.
- Murphy, K.R., & Cleveland, J.N. (1991), Performance appraisal: An Organizational Perspective, Allyn and Bacon, Boston.
- Murphy, K.R. & Cleveland, J.N., (1995), Understanding Performance Appraisal: Social, Organizational and Goal-Based Perspectives, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
- Madureira, César (2004), A formação comportamental no contexto da reforma da Administração Pública, Oeiras, Edições INA.
- Madureira, César (2005), ?A formação profissional contínua no novo contexto da Administração Pública: possibilidades e constrangimentos?, Revista de Administração Pública (RAP), Nº5, Volume 39, Setembro-Outubro, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Brasil), pp-1109-1136.
- Madureira, César (2005), ?Resultados da formação comportamental dos Quadros Superiores na reforma da Administração Pública portuguesa (1996-2001)?, Revista de Administração Pública (RAP), Nº6, volume 39, Novembro-Dezembro, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Brasil), pp-1253-1282.
- Madureira, César, Rodrigues, Miguel (2007), Os Desafios da Avaliação do Desempenho na Administração Pública do Século XXI, Revista Sociedade e Trabalho, nº 33, Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade Social, Direcção Geral de Estudos, Estatísticas e Planeamento, pp-27-44.
Revista Lusíada de Economia e Gestão, Universidade Lusíada, Lisboa, pp-65-79.
Reference: null
Accountability and Responsabilies on the Public Administration
To provide students with the knowledge of public management in connection with accountability and responsibilities.
Program1. Introduction. The administrative and fiscal management, its framework and relations with other public activities.
2. Organization and structure of Public Administration ? European Union and Portuguese. Pubic Administration and Public Sector. Who is responsible in the Public Administration.
3. Main lines of European Union and Portuguese public management and facts originating responsibilities.
4. Public Budgets and fiscal responsibility.
5. Pubic management and responsibilities.
6. Management of public funds by entities of private sector and public entities regulated by private law and responsibilities.
7. The public accounts and accountability.
8. The Control and the responsibilities.
9. Responsibilities and accountability regimes, concerning public management, specially, fiscal responsibility.
10. Problems and challenges of responsibilities and accountability concerning public management.
The UC can be attended under continuous assessment or final exam. Continuous assessment rule: (a) Assessment test which consists of a written individual work, based on the suggested bibliography (maximum 20 pages), which accounts for 75% of the grade (b) Participation in classes, which accounts for 25% of the grade.
The class attendance rule: 75% mandatory attendance
Title: Tribunal de Contas (2019), Relevância e efetividade da jurisdição financeira no século XXI, VV.AA, INCM, Lisboa.
Tavares, José F.F. (2018), Atos políticos e atos de administração - Reflexões sobre os critérios de distinção das funções do Estado e demais entidades púbicas, Lisboa.
Tavares, José F.F. (2006), Recomendações do Tribunal de Contas. Conceito, natureza e regime, Lisboa.
Tavares, José F. F. (2000), As responsabilidades na gestão pública - seu enquadramento, Lisboa.
Martins, Guilherme d'Oliveira (2007), Um novo paradigma - a responsabilidade financeira na Lei N.º 48/2006, de 29 de Agosto, in Estudos Jurídicos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor António Motta Veiga, Almedina, Coimbra.
Lomba, Pedro (2008), Teoria da responsabilidade política, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra.
Costa, Paulo Nogueira da (2017), O Tribunal de Contas e a Boa Governança. Contributo para uma Reforma do Controlo Financeiro Externo em Portugal, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra, 2014, 2.ª Edição, Petrony Editora, Lisboa.
Reference: null
Title: - http/ (Conselho de Prevenção da Corrupção)
- http:/ (Conselho de Finanças Públicas)
- (Banco de Portugal)
- (International Institute of Public Finance)
- (Comissão Europeia)
- (Tribunal de Contas Europeu)
- http:/ (European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions)
- http:/ (International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions)
- (Tribunal de Contas)
D - WEB SITES com interesse:
- International Tax and Public Finance (EUA, ed. Springer)
- Revue française de finances publiques (França)
- Questões atuais do Direito Local (AEDRL)
- Revista da Ordem dos Advogados
- Análise Social
- Revista do Tribunal de Contas
- Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal (IDEFF/FDL)
C - Revistas
Tavares, José F.F./Faria, Maria da Luz (2019), Encontro de contas - Uma visão interdisciplinar das contas, in Em Memória de João Carvalho. Estudos sobre contabilidade, finanças e políticas públicas, Áreas Editora, SA, Lisboa.
Tavares, José F.F./Barros, Manuel Freire (2017), "Ratificação, reforma e conversão do ato administrativo: Uma faculdade ou um dever da Administração Pública", in Estudos de Homenagem a Mário Esteves de Oliveira, Almedina, Coimbra, pp. 155 a 173.
Tavares, José F.F. (2021), "O Código dos Contratos Públicos e o Tribunal de Contas. Notas sobre a natureza, enquadramento e fiscalização dos contratos públicos" in Comentários ao Código dos Contratos Públicos, Vol. I, 4.ª ed., AAFDL, Lisboa.
Tavares, José F.F. (2020), "O regime jurídico-financeiro no estado de exceção. A necessidade de fast-law para situações emergentes", in Direito Administrativo de necessidade e de excepção, ed. AAFDL, coord. de Carla Amado Gomes e Ricardo Pedro.
Tavares, José F.F. (2020), "Tempos de mudança nas Finanças Públicas" in As Finanças Públicas e o seu controlo, Almedina, Coimbra (de António Ribeiro Gameiro et al.).
Tavares, José F.F. (2019), Levar em linha de conta a ação do Tribunal de Contas (intervenção no Colóquio da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra A despesa pública na encruzilhada do século XXI: Que desafios?, Coimbra, 14-15 de outubro).
Tavares, José F.F. (2016), Colaboração na obra Introdução ao Direito, Almedina, Coimbra, coord. de Pedro Trovão do Rosário e outros.
Tavares, José F.F. (2013), Reflexões sobre a gestão pública, Lisboa.
Tavares, José F.F. (2013), A função de controlo na administração pública, Lisboa.
Tavares, José F.F./Catarino, João Ricardo (Coords.), (2012), Finanças Públicas da União Europeia, Almedina, Coimbra.
Tavares, José F.F. (2008), Alguns aspetos estruturais das Finanças Públicas na atualidade, Lisboa.
Tavares, José F.F. (2014), Estudos de Administração e Finanças Públicas, 2.ª edição, Almedina, Coimbra.
Tavares, José F.F. (1998), Tribunal de Contas. Do visto em especial. Conceito, natureza e enquadramento na atividade de administração, Almedina, Coimbra.
Sarmento, Joaquim Miranda (2016), Manual de Finanças Públicas e de Contas Nacionais no Setor das Administrações Públicas, Almedina, Coimbra.
Rodrigues, Nuno Cunha (2019), "A responsabilidade financeira de titulares de cargos políticos", in Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal, Ano XI, N.º 3.
Pereira, Manuel Henrique de Freitas (2014), Fiscalidade, 5ª Ed. Almedina, Coimbra.
Pedro, Ricardo (2016), Responsabilidade civil do Estado pelo mau funcionamento da administração da justiça, Almedina, Coimbra.
Mozzicafreddo, Juan/Gomes, João Salis (org.) (2011), Projetos de inovação na Gestão Pública, Editora Mundos Sociais, Lisboa.
Mozzicafreddo, Juan (2010), "O papel do Estado na Sociedade", em António José Teles, António Martins da Cruz e António Vitorino (orgs.), Pilares da Estratégia Nacional, Lisboa, Ed. Prefácio e IDN.
Medeiros, Rui (2020), "A fiscalização da contratação pública pelo Tribunal de Contas. Alguns aspetos", in Revista de Direito Administrativo, n.º 8, maio-agosto.
Martins, Maria d'Oliveira (2011), Lições de Finanças Públicas e Direito Financeiro, Almedina Coimbra.
Martins, Guilherme Waldemar d'Oliveira/Cabral, Nazaré da Costa (2014), Finanças Públicas e Direito Financeiro - Noções fundamentais, Ed. AAFDL, Lisboa.
Martins, Guilherme d'Oliveira/Tavares, José (2011), O Tribunal de Contas na Ordem Constitucional Portuguesa, Lisboa, Ed. Tribunal de Contas.
Lavouras, Matilde (2020), "Reflexões em torno da natureza jurídica do orçamento", in Revista Forense, Vol. 432, Ano 116;
Garcia, Maria da Glória Ferreira Pinto Dias (1997), A responsabilidade civil do Estado e demais pessoas coletivas públicas, Ed. Conselho Económico e Social.
Gameiro, António, et al. (2020), As Finanças Públicas e o seu controlo, Almedina, Coimbra.
Franco, António de Sousa/Tavares, José (2006), Orçamento, in DJAP, Vol. VI (atualizado em 2006 por José Tavares e Guilherme d´Oliveira Martins, com a colaboração de Alexandra Pessanha).
Franco, António L. de Sousa (2007), Finanças Públicas e Direito Financeiro, Vols. I e II, 4.ª Reimp., Almedina Coimbra.
Ferreira, Eduardo Paz (2020), Ensaio de Finanças Públicas, Almedina, Coimbra.
Faria, Maria da Luz/Tavares, José F.F. (2019), "Encontro de contas - Uma visão interdisciplinar das contas", in Em Memória de João Carvalho. Estudos sobre contabilidade, finanças e políticas públicas, Áreas Editora, SA, Lisboa.
Costa, Paulo Nogueira da (2018), "O regresso ao futuro da responsabilidade financeira: reflexão sobre o regime jurídico de sujeição dos membros do Governo e dos titulares dos órgãos executivos das autarquias locais", in Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal, Nº 2 X, abril.
Costa, Paulo Nogueira da (2013) Que "contas" . O controlo financeiro externo entre accounting e accountability?, in Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal, Ano VI, n.º 2.
Cluny, António (2011), Responsabilidade Financeira e Tribunal de Contas. Contributos para uma reflexão necessária, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra.
Catarino, João Ricardo/Tavares, José F.F. (Coords.), (2012), Finanças Públicas da União Europeia, Almedina, Coimbra.
Catarino, João Ricardo (2016), Finanças Públicas e Direito Financeiro, 3.ª edição, Almedina, Coimbra.
Cardona, Maria Celeste (2016), Contributo para o conceito e a natureza das entidades administrativas independentes. As autoridades reguladoras, Almedina, Coimbra.
Caldeira, Vitor (2012), "O controlo das finanças públicas europeias", in Finanças Públicas da União Europeia, Almedina, Coimbra.
Cabral, Nazaré da Costa/Martins, Guilherme Waldemar d?Oliveira (2014), Finanças Públicas e Direito Financeiro. Noções fundamentais, Ed. AAFDL, Lisboa.
Baleiras, Rui Nuno/Dias, Rui/Almeida, Miguel (2018), Finanças Locais: Princípios Económicos, instituições e a experiência portuguesa desde 1987, Ed. CFP, Lisboa.
Antunes, Morais (2011), "O julgamento da responsabilidade financeira no Tribunal de Contas", «in» Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal, n.º 2, Setembro.
Amaral, Diogo Freitas do (2012), História do Pensamento Político Ocidental, Almedina, Coimbra;
- Lei de enquadramento do Orçamento da Região Autónoma da Madeira
- Lei de enquadramento do Orçamento da Região Autónoma dos Açores
- Lei de Finanças das Regiões Autónomas
- Estatutos das Regiões Autónomas dos Açores e da Madeira
- Código Penal (Crimes contra o setor público ou cooperativo agravados pela qualidade do Agente)
- Lei n.º 67/2007, de 31 de dezembro (responsabilidade civil extracontratual do Estado e demais entidades públicas)
- Lei n.º 34/87, de 16 de julho com as alterações introduzidas pela Lei 108/2001 de 28 de novembro (Crimes de responsabilidade dos titulares de cargos políticos)
- Decreto-Lei n.º 276/2007, de 31 de julho (regime jurídico da atividade de inspeção da administração direta e indireta do Estado)
- Decreto-Lei n.º 166/98, de 25 de junho (Sistema de controlo interno da Administração Financeira do Estado)
- Lei n.º 98/97, de 26 de Agosto, com as alterações posteriores (Lei de organização e processo do Tribunal de Contas)
- Decreto-Lei n.º 111/2012, de 23 de maio (Regime jurídico das PPP)
- Código dos Contratos Públicos
- Decreto-Lei n.º 71/2007, de 27 de março (Estatuto do gestor público)
- Lei-quadro das Entidades Administrativas Independentes com funções de regulações económica (Lei nº 67/2013, de 28 de agosto)
- Decreto-Lei n.º 133/2013, de 3 de outubro (regime jurídico do Setor Público Empresarial)
- Lei n.º 50/2012, de 31 de agosto ? Aprova o regime jurídico da atividade empresarial local e das participações locais
- Lei das Finanças Locais ? Lei n.º 73/2013, de 3 de setembro, com as alterações posteriores
- Lei das Finanças das Regiões Autónomas (Lei Orgânica nº 2/2013, de 2 de setembro)
- Lei das autarquias locais Lei n.º 169/99, de 18 de setembro, com as alterações posteriores
- Lei n.º 75/2013, de 12 de setembro ? Regime jurídico das autarquias locais, das entidades intermunicipais, do associativismo autárquico e da transferência e delegação de competências do Estado para as autarquias locais e para as entidades intermunicipais (altera a Lei n.º 166/99, de 18 de setembro; e revoga a Lei n.º 159/99, de 14 de setembro)
- Lei Orgânica do Governo
- Leis do Orçamento e decretos-leis de execução orçamental anuais
- Leis sobre as Grandes Opções do Plano
- Lei de enquadramento orçamental (Lei n.º 91/01, de 20 de agosto, com as alterações posteriores); Lei n.º 151/2015, de 11 de setembro, com as alterações posteriores (ver entrada em vigor)
- Lei-quadro do planeamento
- Regulamento financeiro da UE
- Tratados relativos à União Europeia
- Constituição da República Portuguesa
Reference: null
Debates in Public Policy
1. Identify and understand the objectives of public policies and critically evaluate their articulation with the problems to which they intend to respond;
2. Identify the successes and insufficiencies of recent public policies, in particular with regard to the problems without adequate response, which constitute good starting points for a Dissertation / Final Master's Project.
The class consists of a set of discussion sessions with policy makers and experts on pressing issues of public policy in Portugal and the EU. The sessions are moderated by the teaching staff. The contents of the sessions may vary, depending on the guest speakers and the topics that are on the policy agenda in a given year.
The policy areas to be covered in the sessions may include, amongst others:
- Environmental, climate and energy policies
- Education policies
- Science and technology policies
- Health policies
- Social policies
- Cultural policies
- Territorial policies
- Demographic policies and migration
- Business support policies
- Budgetary policies
- Defence and security policies
- Regulation of digitalization
- Regulation of economic activities
- Financial regulation
Assessment throughout the semester:
Each student must write one report (100% of the final grade). The report should identify the themes addressed by the invited speaker; provide a critical synthesis; develop a research question and relate it to academic bibliography.
Due to the fact that the course is based on a list of seminars, there is no possibility of doing this course by final exam assessment.
Title: - Cairney, P. (2012). Understanding public policy: theories and issues. Macmillan International Higher Education.
- Goodin, R. E., Moran, M., & Rein, M. (2006). The Oxford handbook of public policy. Oxford Handbooks of Political.
- Heinelt, H., & Münch, S. (eds.) (2018), Handbook of European Policies: Interpretive approaches to the EU, Cheltenham and Northampton: Edward Elgar.
- Howlett, M., & Mukherjee, I. (Eds.). (2018). Routledge handbook of policy design. Routledge.
Blogue de Paul Carney:
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Title: A bibliografia complementar será indicada aos alunos à medida que forem sendo abordados os respectivos tópicos em sala de aula.
Reference: null
Research Design
At the end of the CU students should be able to:
1) recognize and use different types of methodological strategies, mastering its theoretical, methodological and technical requirements, in order to make adequate choices;
2) identify central problems in research design, from problem definition to conceptualisation, operationalization, observation and proposal writing;;
3) write a research and/or intervention project proposal.
1. Research as a producer of knowledge to know and/or to intervene.
1.1. Empirical research as theoretically oriented.
1.2. Research as problem solving: diagnosis, evaluation, intervention.
1.3. Ethics in different types of research.
2. How to design a research project and/or intervention.
2.1. Formulation of the problem and definition of objectives.
2.2. Conceptualization.
2.3. Operationalization and observation.
2.4. Project's design.
3. Methodological strategies.
3.1. Adequacy of the methodological strategies to the objectives of tthe research.
3.2. Extensive research: large surveys, statistical databases, etc..
3.3. Intensive research: case studies, field research, participant observation, ethnographic approach, etc.
3.4. Action research and social intervention.
3.5. Comparative research: objectives and problems of comparison.
3.6. Mixed methods.
The learning process proceeds trough theoretical-practical classes, seminar presentations and debate (which are given prevalence), tutorials and students' autonomous work.
Evaluation along the semester, comprising the following components:
(a) Class participation and presentation of the research and/or intervention project (35%)
b) Final written work: research project and/or intervention (65%).
Final assessment, consisting of a final written work: research project and/or intervention, complemented with an oral discussion, if the teacher considers necessary (100%).
The evaluation of this course does not include a final exam.
Title: Silva, A S&Pinto, J M, org 1986 Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. Porto:Afrontamento.
Ragin, C 1994 Constructing social research. Thousand Oaks:Pine Forge.
Quivy, R&Champenhoud,L 2003 Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais.Lisboa:Gradiva.
Della Porta, D&M Keating, eds 2008 Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences.Cambridge:CUP.
Creswell, JW 2003 Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches.Thousand Oaks:Sage.
Chen, H 2015 Practical program evaluation: theory-driven evaluation and the integrated evaluation perspective.Thousand Oaks:Sage.
Capucha, L 2008 Planeamento e avaliação de projectos: guião prático.Lisboa:DGIDC.
Campenhoudt, L van 2003 Introdução à análise dos fenómenos sociais.Lisboa:Gradiva.
Burgess, R 2001 A pesquisa de terreno.Oeiras:Celta.
Bryman, A 2012 Social Research Methods.Oxford:OUP.
Blaikie, N 2007 Approaches to social enquiry.Cambridge:PP.
Babbie, E 1989 The practice of social research.Belmont:CWP.
Reference: null
Title: Whyte, William Foote (ed.) (1991) Participatory Action Research. London: Sage Publications.
Turner, Jonathan (2005) "A new approach for theoretically integrating micro and macro analysis", in Craig Calhoun, C. Rojek,B. Turner (Ed.) , The Sage Handbook of Sociology. London: Sage Publications.
Turner, F J. (2005). Social Work Diagnosis in Contemporary Practice. New York, Oxford: University Press.
Silverman, D (ed.) (2011) Qualitative Research. London: Sage.
Scott, J. (1990) A Matter of Record: Documentary Sources in Social Research. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Schiefer, U, et al. (2007) Método aplicado de planeamento e Avaliação. Manual de Planeamento e Avaliação de Projectos. Estoril: Editora Principia.
Ragin, C C. (1987) The Comparative Method: Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies. Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press.
Oyen, Else (1990) Comparative methodology. Theory and practice in international social research. London: Sage.
Patton, M. (2018). Facilitating evaluation: principles in practice. Sage Thousand Oaks.
Kettner, P., Moroney, R. & Martin, L. (2016). Designing and managing programs: an effectiveness-based approach. (5nd. Ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Ghiglione, R & Matalon, B (1992) O Inquérito. Teoria e Prática. Oeiras: Celta Editora.
Foddy, William (1996) Como perguntar. Teoria e Prática da construção de perguntas para entrevistas e questionários. Oeiras: Celta Editora.
European Institute of Public Administration (2004) Improving an organization through self-assessment? common assessment framework. Maastricht: European Institute of Public Administration.
Dogan, M & Pelassy, D (1990, 1984) How to Compare Nations. Strategies in Comparative Politics. New Jersey: Chatham House Publishers.
Carvalho, H (2004) Análise Multivariada de Dados Qualitativos. Lisboa: Sílabo.
Calley, N. (2011). Program development in the 21st Century: an evidence-based approach to design, implementation and evaluation. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Brannen, J (2005) Mixed methods research: a discussion paper, Economic & Social Research Council, National Centre for Research Methods. URL:
Brady, H E & Collier, D (2004) Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools Shared Standards. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Booth, W C, Colomb, G G e Williams, J M (2003) The Craft of Research. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Bertaux, D. (2020) As narrativas de vida. LIsboa: Mundos Sociais.
Beckett, C (2010) Assessment and intervention in social work. Sage Publications: London.
Outras referências bibliográficas complementares
Lenoir, R 1988 Objeto Sociológico e Problema Social. In: Champagen, P. et al. Iniciação A Prática Sociológica. Petropólis: Vozes, pp. 59-104.
Blaikie, N 2010 Designing Social Research. The logic of Anticipation. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Becker, H S 2017 Evidence. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Mestrado em Sociologia
Shaw, I, Briar-Lawson, K, Orme, J & Ruckdeschel, R 2010 The Sage Handbook of Social Work Research. Londres: Sage.
Hardwick, L et al (eds) 2017 Innovations in Social Work Research. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Bell, L 2017 Research methods for Social Workers. Londres: Palgrave.
Mestrado em Serviço Social
Toshkov, D 2016 Research Design in Political Science. London: Palgrave.
Howard, C 2017 Thinking Like a Political Scientist: A Practical Guide to Research Methods. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Filho, Dalson Britto Figueiredo; Paranhos, Ranulfo; Rocha, Enivaldo Carvalho da; Silva Junior, José Alexandre da; Santos, Manoel Leonardo Wanderley Duarte 2012 Levando Gary King a Sério: Desenhos de Pesquisa em Ciência Política. In Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Política 3 (1-2), pp. 86-117.
Bukve, O 2019 Designing Social Science Research. Cham: Palgrave.
Mestrado em Políticas Públicas
Treadwell, D, & Davis, A 2016 Introducing communication research: Paths of inquiry. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 3ª ed.
Silverman, D. (2017) Doing Qualitative Research. Londres: Sage.
Quan-Haase, A., & Sloan, L. (eds.). 2022 The SAGE handbook of social media research methods. Sage.
Kubitschko, S., & Kaun, A. (eds). 2016 Innovative methods in media and communication research. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hine, C. (2017). Digital Ethnography. In The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory, B.S. Turner (Ed.).
Berger, A. A. 2018 Media and communication research methods: An introduction to qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
Mestrado em Gestão dos Novos Media
Klotz, A & Prakash, D (eds) 2008 Qualitative methods in International Relations: A pluralist guide. New York: Palgrave (v. plataforma moodle).
Sprinz, D F & Wolinsky, Y (eds.) 2004 Cases, numbers and models: International Relations research methods. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press. (Em linha:
Lamont, C 2015 Research methods in International Relations. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications (capitulo 1 on-line em:
Mestrado em Estudos Internacionais
Stein, T. S., Bathurst, J. R., & Lasher, R. 2022 Performing arts management: A handbook of professional practices. Simon and Schuster.
Quan-Haase, A., & Sloan, L. (Eds.). 2022 The SAGE handbook of social media research methods. Sage.
Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. 2010 Business model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers (Vol. 1). John Wiley & Sons.
Mestrado em Estudos e Gestão da Cultura
Zeleza, T (ed) 2007 The study of Africa. The global and transnational engagements (Vol II). Dakar: CODESRIA.
Zeleza, T (ed) 2006 The Study of Africa. Disciplinary and interdisciplinary encounters (Vol I). Dakar: CODESRIA.
Ouédraogo, J-B & Cardoso, C (ed) 2011 Readings in methodology: African Perspectives. Dakar: CODESRIA. Em linha:
Mestrado em Estudos Africanos
Bogdan, R & Biklen, S 1994 Investigação qualitativa em educação: uma introdução à teoria e aos métodos. Porto: Porto Editora.
Mestrado em Educação e Sociedade
Treadwell, D, & Davis, A 2016 Introducing communication research: Paths of inquiry. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 3ª ed.
Quan-Haase, A., & Sloan, L. (eds.). 2022 The SAGE handbook of social media research methods. Sage.
Kubitschko, S., & Kaun, A. (eds). 2016 Innovative methods in media and communication research. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
Berger, A. A. 2018 Media and communication research methods: An introduction to qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
Mestrado em Comunicação, Cultura e Tecnologias da Informação
Se necessário, solicitar referências adicionais ao/à(s) docente(s).
Mestrado em Ciências do Trabalho e Relações Laborais
Pollock III, Philip H.& Edwards, B C 2019 The Essentials of political analysis. 6ªed., Washington D.C.: CQ Press.
Silverman, D (2018) Doing qualitative research. Los Angeles: Sage.
Johnson, J B & Reynolds, H T 2020 Political Science research methods, 9ª ed. Los Angeles: Sage.
Mestrado em Ciência Política
Se necessário, solicitar referências adicionais ao/à(s) docente(s).
Mestrado em Administração Escolar
Se necessário, solicitar referências adicionais ao/à(s) docente(s).
Mestrado em Ação Humanitária
Na medida em que o desenho de pesquisa pode ter algumas especificidades em função da área científica de pesquisa, listam-se abaixo algumas sugestões de suporte bibliográfico.
Reference: null
Public Management and Public Value
With this course students should, as specific objectives:
(a) Understand, analytically, the concept of Public Administration and the respective context;
(b) Identify different forms of administrative organization, depending on the public product, public good or service, as well as the receivers
(c) To recognize the progress of administrative reforms, contextualizing them in different models of administrative reform
(d) Identify tools and instruments of public management, internally and externally
(e) Relate models of administration and administrative reform with the different public employment systems and respective instruments
(f) Relate, models of administration and administrative reform with the different models of provision of public goods and services
(g) Recognize the necessary balance between the traditional values of the administration and the market
(h) Understand the relationship between politics, administration, public management and democracy.
1.1Framework, concept and context
1.2Management VS Public Administration
1.3Administrative organization: Centralization, decentralization, deconcentration and agencification
1.4Public Management and Reform Perspectives: From Bureaucracy to NPM
1.5Post-NPM models and co-production of services
2.1Public employment systems: Career system VS Job post system
2.2Management by competences and administrative performance: Public management systems; performance evaluation systems and criteria
3.1Public management and regulation
3.2.Public management and market: contracting-out, outsourcing and insourcing
3.3Management of transparency, accountability and accountability
3.4Active citizenship, participation and co-production of public services
4.1Challenges of contemporary democracies
4.2What requirements?
The evaluation of this course unit takes place in two possible ways:
1) Throughout the semester:
Attendance requirement: minimum of 75% class attendance.
Includes class participation and group work (25%) and a final individual project (75%) with a maximum of 15 pages, in accordance with the guidelines provided on the e-learning platform. If necessary, the project may be discussed in an individual oral presentation.
2) By exam:
Consists of an individual written assignment of 10 pages (100%), in accordance with the guidelines provided on the e-learning platform. If necessary, the assignment may be discussed in an individual oral presentation.
a)the work will be primarily analytical, demonstrating knowledge of theoretical issues
b)prepared with citations of well referenced authors
c)organized, fluid and prepared according to the formatting standards
d)plurality and neutral position of the student
Title: Ferlie, E. Laurence, E, Pollitt, C, The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, Oxford University Press.
Mozzicafreddo, J., Gouveia, C.(2011), Contextos e etapas de reforma na administração pública em Portugal, em Mozzicafreddo, J. e Gomes, J., Projectos de inovação na gestão pública, pp. 5-62.
Madureira, C., Rando, B., & Ferraz, D. (2020). The Public Administration Performance Appraisal Integrated System (SIADAP) and the Portuguese Civil Servants Perceptions. International Journal of Public Administration, 1-11.
Ferraz, David. (2020). (A)Political administration? The public manager?s portrait and selection factors. Revista de Administração Pública, 54(5), 1166-1187.
Ferraz, D. (2020). A contratação de funcionários públicos. In R. P. Mamede; & P. A. e. Silva (Eds.), O Estado da Nação e as Políticas Públicas 2020: Valorizar as Políticas Públicas (p76-80).
ISCTE-IPPS (2021), Reforma e Reorganização Administrativa - A quimera administrativa: pessoas e organizações, David Ferraz (Cood,cien)
Reference: null
Title: van Acker, W., & Bouckaert, G. (2018). What makes public sector innovations survive? An exploratory study of the influence of feedback, accountability and learning. 84(2), 249-268. doi:10.1177/0020852317700481
Thomas, J. C. (2013), "Citizen, Customer, Partner: Rethinking the Place of the Public in Public Management", in Public Administration Review, vol.73, n.º 6, pp. 786-796.
Shafritz Jr, J. M. (2018). Defining public administration: Selections from the international encyclopedia of public policy and administration: Routledge.
Rouban, L. (2007), "Public Management and Politics: Senior Bureaucrats in France", in Public Administration, vol.85, n.º, pp. 473-502.
Ritz, A. e Sager, F. (2009), "Outcome-Based Public Management and the Balance of Powers in the Context of Direct Democracy", in Public Administration, vol.88, n.º 1, pp. 120-135.
Rosanvallon, Pierre (1986), A crise do Estado Providência, Lisboa, Inquérito
Rhodes, R. A. W. (2011), "THINKING ON: A CAREER IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION", in Public Administration, vol.89, n.º 1, pp. 196-212.
Rato, H. e Ferraz, D. (2008), "Regimes de emprego público e desempenho administrativo: que relação?", XIII Congreso Internacional del CLAD sobre la Reforma del Estado y de la Administración Pública, CLAD: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Randma-Liiv, T. (2008), "New Public Management versus Neo-Weberian State in Central and Eastern Europe", Tallinn, Trans-European Dialogue 1.
Que, T. (2016). Government Management Innovation in the Age of Big Data. RISUS-Journal on Innovation and Sustainability, 7(2), 47-56. Retrieved from
Pollitt, C. e Bouckaert, G. (2011), Public Management Reform: A comparative analysis-new public management, governance, and the Neo-Weberian state, Oxford University Press.
Pollitt, C. (2013), WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REFORM? CONCEPTS, MODELS AND SOME APPROXIMATE GUIDELINES, em Para uma Reforma Abrangente da Organização e Gestão do Setor Público, 28-30 de janeiro de 2013.
Pollitt, Christopher (1990), Managerialism and the public service, Oxford, Basil Blackwell
Pierre, Jon e Guy Peters (2000), Governance, Politics and the State, Londres, Macmillan Press
Peters, Guy (1996a), The future of Governing: Four emerging models, Lawrence, Kansas, University Press of Kansas
Osborne, David e Ted Gaebler (1993), Reinventing Government: How the entrepreneurial spirit is transforming the public sector, New York, Plume/Penguin [Trad. (1994) Reinventando o Governo, Brasil, Ed. Comunicação]
Ongaro, E., & Van Thiel, S. (2017). The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Nutley, S. e. B., Anette (2003), "Evidence-based policy and practice" in Bovaird, T and Loffler, E., Public Management and Governance, London: Routledge.
Mozzicafreddo, Juan et al (org.) (2003), Ética e Administração: Como Modernizar os Serviços Públicos, Oeiras, Celta
Mozzicafreddo, J. e J. Salis Gomes (2000a), Administração e Política, Oeiras, Celta;
Malatesta, D. e Carboni, J. L. (2015), "The Public-Private Distinction: Insights for Public Administration from the State Action Doctrine", in Public Administration Review, vol.75, n.º 1, pp. 63-74.
Madureira, C. e Ferraz, D. (2009), "The need of a XXI century governance paradigm for public administrations - the specific case of Portugal", IASIA Annual Conference 2009, Working Group 3: Public Sector Reform: people in the public, Rio de Janeiro: IASIA.
Madureira, C., Rando, B., & Ferraz, D. (2020). The Public Administration Performance Appraisal Integrated System (SIADAP) and the Portuguese Civil Servants Perceptions. International Journal of Public Administration, 1-11. doi:10.1080/01900692.2020.1719510
Long, E. e. a. (2004), "The Paradox of Implementing the Government Performance and Results Act: Top-Down Direction for Bottom-Up Implementation", in Public Administration Review, vol.64, n.º 3.
Kosar, K. R. (2008), "Efficiency versus Politics: The Big Conflict", in Public Administration Review, vol.68, n.º 1, pp. 193-194.
Kickert, W. (2011), "Distinctiveness of Administrative Reform in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Common Characteristics of Context, Administrations and Reforms", in Public Administration, vol.89, n.º 3, pp. 801-818.
Kettl, D. F. (2019). From Policy to Practice: From Ideas to Results, From Results to Trust. 79(5), 763-767.
Kaufmann, D., Kraay, A. e Mastruzzi, M. (2009), "Governance Matters VIII: Aggregate and Individual Governance Indicators, 1996-2008". Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI), World Bank.
Jakobsen, M. e Andersen, S. C. (2013), "Coproduction and Equity in Public Service Delivery." in Public Administration Review, vol.73, n.º 5, pp. 704-713.
Hood,C.(2007), "Public Management, the Word, the Movement, the Science", em Ferlie, E. Laurence, E, Pollitt, C, The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Hood, C. e Lodge, M. (2006), "The politics of public service bargains: reward, competency, loyalty-and blame", Oxford University Press.
Ferraz, D. (2009), "O outsourcing na Administração Pública", in 7.º Congresso Nacional da Administração Pública. Lisboa, INA.
Ferraz, D. e Alexandre, H. (2008), "Que espaço para uma cidadania activa e participativa no contexto das reformas da administração pública em Portugal?", em 6º Congresso Nacional de Administração Pública, Lisboa, INA.
Emery, Y. e Giauque, D. (2001), "New Public Management, Service Contracts and Financial Incentive Schemes: Practice and Problems Encountered in Switzerland", in International Review of Administrative Sciences, vol. 67.
Emery, Y. (2004), "Rewarding civil service performance through team bonuses: findings, analysis and recommendations", in International Review of Administrative Sciences, vol.70.
Eichbaum, C. e Shaw, R. (2008), "Revisiting Politicization: Political Advisers and Public Servants in Westminster Systems", in Governance, vol.21, n.º 3, pp. 337-363.
Drechsler, W. (2005), "The rise and demise of the new public management", in Pos-autistic economics review, vol.33, n.º, pp. 17-28.
Dowding, K. (2011), "Rational Choice Theory", in The SAGE handbook of governance,Bevir, Mark, UK: Sage: 576.
Dingwall R e T. Strangleman, ( 2007), "Organizational cultures in the public services", em Ferlie, E. Laurence, E, Pollitt, C, The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, Oxford, Oxford University Press;
Denis, Jean Louis, Ann Langley e Linda Rouleau (2007), "Rethinking Leadership in Public Organizations", em Ferlie, E. Laurence, E, Pollitt, C, The Oxford Handbook of Publica Management, Oxford, Oxford University Press
Denhardt, J. e Denhardt, R. (2007), "The New Public Service: Serving, not Steering", M. E. Sharpe.
Cope, S., Leishman, F. e Starie, P. (1997), "Globalization, new public management and the enabling State." in International Journal of Public Sector Management, vol.10, n.º 6, pp. 444-460.
Cohen, S. e Eimicke, W. (2011), "Contraction Out" in The SAGE handbook of governance, Bevir, Mark, UK: Sage: 576.
Cohen, A. (2020). The role of principals? values and leadership styles in developing organisational commitment among Arab teachers in Israel. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 20, 212-230.
Bovaird e Loffler (2003), "Evaluating the quality of public governance: indicators, models and methodologies", international Review of Administrative Sciences. London, SAGE. 69.
Bouckaert, G., & Brans, M. (2019). The politics of bureaucracy in the face of different legal futures. 21(3), 530-540.
Bonosaro, C. (2000), "The United States Career Executive Service: Its operation and role in policy". 5º Congresso do CLAD: Santo Domingo.
Bezes, P., & Jeannot, G. (2018). Autonomy and managerial reforms in Europe: Let or make public managers manage? Retrieved from
Alonso, J. M., Clifton, J. e Díaz-Fuentes, D. (2013), "Did New Public Management Matter? An empirical analysis of the outsourcing and decentralization effects on public sector size", in Public Management Review, vol.17, n.º 5, pp. 643-660.
Reference: null
Comparative Administrative Modernization
-Define and classify different countries within their respective Public Administration systems
-Identify and compare administrative reform and modernization movements at the international level
-Develop and analyse models of administrative reform and modernization that have influenced or may influence Administrations
- State Reform and Trends in Public Administration. Main Models
- Public Management Reform Model: Political System, Administrative System and Decision Process
essential features
- Administrative systems and respective classifications
- The Portuguese public administration
- Anglo-Saxon administration
- Administration in Latin America
- Administration in the PALOP
- Asian administration
- Other systems and countries
- National, regional and local power structures
- Forms of administrative organization
- Evolution of public employment
- Public administration control mechanisms
- Administrative culture and exercise of citizenship
- Methods and techniques of comparison
The assessment of the course "Comparative Administrative Modernization" is designed to ensure a comprehensive analysis of the competencies acquired by students, in alignment with the General Regulation for the Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (RGACC) of Iscte. This course offers two assessment modalities: continuous assessment throughout the semester and assessment by examination.
Continuous Assessment Throughout the Semester
Continuous assessment incorporates multiple instruments, promoting a continuous and diversified analysis of student performance. This assessment modality is structured as follows:
• Minimum Attendance Criteria: Students must have a minimum of 75% attendance in both practical and theoretical classes to be eligible for continuous assessment.
• Participation and Class Interventions: Active participation in class discussions and discussion forums, demonstrating engagement with readings and interest in commenting on the materials used in classes, as well as debating with colleagues and the professor (10% of the final grade).
• Oral Presentation: Oral presentation on a specific topic related to administrative modernization, previously agreed upon with the professor, from the set of readings in the program (30% of the final grade).
• Reading Reports: Preparation of a critical report on scientific articles or book chapters indicated by the professor (30% of the final grade).
• Written Assignment: A written assignment of approximately 8 pages on a topic of interest related to the course themes (30% of the final grade).
Assessment by Examination
For students who opt for this modality or do not pass the continuous assessment, the examination assessment consists of submitting an individual written assignment on one of the topics covered in the course.
Title: Será enviado um link aos estudantes com acesso às principais referências bibliográficas.
Reference: null
The Control of Financial Administration of the State
It is expected that participants will:
1. obtain an overall view of the organisation and financial activity of the State, both at national and European Union level;
2. understand the structure, purpose and actors of the control system of the State's financial administration, both from the point of view of internal and external control of public finances, analysing in particular the role of the Court of Auditors;
3. reflect critically on the main challenges facing the exercise of financial control by public auditors in a context of digitisation of the administration, new forms of public sector management, increased pressure on public finances and greater control by citizens and society in general.
1. General aspects and evolution of public finances
2. Financial organization and activity at national level
2.1 The structure of the Portuguese public sector
2.2 The financial activity of the State
2.3 The budget
3. Organization and financial activity in the EU
3.1 Structure and functioning of the institutions
3.2 Financial instruments
4. Public administration and financial control
4.1. Ethics and public integrity
4.2. The control of public finances
4.3. Internal control
4.3.1 Administrative control
4.3.2 The control system of the State's financial administration
4.4. External control
4.4.1 External control systems
4.4.2 Political control: Parliament
4.4.3 Judicial control (referral)
4.4.4. Social control
5. The Court of Auditors in particular
5.1. General aspects and evolution
5.2 Powers, organization and functioning
5.3 Arrangements for exercising control
5.5 Financial liability
6. Challenges for public sector auditing
The evaluation of this course unit takes place throughout the semester and includes individual participation (20%), group work (30%), and a final individual project (50%).
The evaluation by exam consists of completing an individual written assignment (100%) in accordance with the guidelines provided on the e-learning platform. If necessary, the assignment may also be discussed in an individual oral presentation.
Class attendance rule: 75% mandatory attendance
Title: Tavares, José F.F. (2014), Estudos de Administração e Finanças Públicas, 2.ª edição, Almedina, Coimbra
Martins, Maria d'Oliveira (2021), Lições de Finanças Públicas e Direito Financeiro, 4ª. ed., Almedina, Coimbra
Gameiro, António, & al. (2020), As Finanças Públicas e o seu controlo, Almedina, Coimbra.
Ferreira, Eduardo Paz (2020), Ensaio de Finanças Públicas, Almedina, Coimbra.
Costa, Paulo Nogueira da (2017), O Tribunal de Contas e a Boa Governança, 2.ª Edição, Petrony Editora, Lisboa
Caldeira, Vítor (2021), Prestar (as minhas) Contas - Quatro anos na presidência do Tribunal de Contas, in Revista do Tribunal de Contas, nº 67/70
Caldeira, Vítor (2012), O controlo das finanças públicas europeias, in Finanças Públicas da União Europeia, ed. Almedina, Coimbra
Caldeira, Vítor (2005), The coordination of internal controls: the single audit ? towards a European Union internal control framework, in Public Expenditure Control in Europe, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham
Reference: null
Title: Artificial intelligence on public sector in Portugal: first legal approach
EU Financing for Next Decade Beyond the MFF 2021-2027 and the Next Generation EU
The Role of Jurisdictional Power of SAIs in Increasing the Effects of Public Auditing and the Ethics of Fiscal Jurisdiction. In: Aksoy, T., Hacioglu, U. (eds) Auditing Ecosystem and Strategic Accounting in the Digital Era. Contributions to Finance and Accounting. Springer, Cham.
Local government auditing in Portugal. In Auditing practices in local governments: an international comparison
) Orçamento do Estado e Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável: uma oportunidade para orçamentar melhor? (
Implementing performance‐based management in the traditional bureaucracy of Portugal
2008-2023 – CPC 15 anos de ação
- (INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronoucements)
- (European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions)
- (International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions)
- (Comissão Europeia)
- (Tribunal de Contas Europeu)
- (Conselho da União Europeia/Conselho Europeu)
- (Parlamento Europeu)
- (Conselho de Prevenção da Corrupção)
- (Conselho de Finanças Públicas)
- (Banco de Portugal)
- (Tribunal de Contas)
- (Assembleia da República)
WEB SITES com interesse:
- ECA Journal (Tribunal de Contas Europeu)
- Revue française de finances publiques (França)
- Revista do Tribunal de Contas
- Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal (IDEFF/FDL)
- Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management
- Despacho n° 275/2023, de 6 de janeiro, Ministro das Finanças (DR n° 5, 2ª. série, parte C) ? Aprova o modelo conceptual do controlo orçamental, económico e financeiro
- Despacho n° 274/2023, de 6 de janeiro, Ministro das Finanças (DR n° 5, 2ª. série, parte C) - Regulamenta a Entidade Contabilística Estado
UK National Audit Office (2005), State Audit in the EU,
World Bank (2020), Preventing and Managing Conflicts of Interest in the Public Sector: Good Practices Guide (English). Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group
Veiga, José F. B. (2022). O princípio da legalidade financeira e o problema da justiciabilidade em contexto de inteligência artificial. Revista do Tribunal de Contas, 4, 51-69.
Varis, Tuula (2020), Development of phenomenon-based budgeting requires a shared understanding and commitment from the public administration, /
Tribunal de Contas (2019), Relevância e efetividade da jurisdição financeira no século XXI, VV.AA, INCM, Lisboa.
Tavares, José F.F./Faria, Maria da Luz (2019), Encontro de contas - Uma visão interdisciplinar das contas, in Em Memória de João Carvalho. Estudos sobre contabilidade, finanças e políticas públicas, Áreas Editora, SA, Lisboa
Tavares, José F.F. (2020), "O regime jurídico-financeiro no estado de exceção. A necessidade de fast-law para situações emergentes", in Direito Administrativo de necessidade e de excepção, ed. AAFDL, coord. de Carla Amado Gomes e Ricardo Pedro
Tavares, José F.F. (2013), Reflexões sobre a gestão pública, Lisboa.
Tavares, José F.F. (2013), A função de controlo na administração pública, Lisboa.
Tavares, José F.F. (1996), Sistema nacional de controlo financeiro: controlo interno e controlo externo, in Revista do Tribunal de Contas, n° 26, pp. 57-83.
Supreme Audit Institutions of Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the UK (2020), Auditing machine learning algorithms: A white paper for public auditors,
Stephenson, P. (2017). ?Norms, legitimacy and institutional independence: the active role of the European Court of Auditors in setting international standards?, Journal of Contemporary European Research, 13 (1), 1144-1165.
Stephenson, P. (2016), ?Sixty-Five Years of Auditing Europe?, Journal of Contemporary European Research, 12 (1), pp. 467-485
Sarmento, Joaquim Miranda (2016), Manual de Finanças Públicas e de Contas Nacionais no Setor das Administrações Públicas, Almedina, Coimbra.
Sá, Maria Rosa Tobias (2020), O Tribunal de Contas e a Administração Digital Ecológica. Pode o TC ser um Agente de Mudança? in Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal, Ano XI, n.º 4 - Inverno
Radaelli, Claudio M., Dell?Acqua Silvia, Taffoni, Gaia (2021), Supreme audit institutions and accountability: opportunities, challenges and capacity, ECA Journal, 1-2021, 155-159
Pereira, Paulo Trigo, António Afonso, Manuela Arcanjo e J.C. Gomes Santos (2016), Economia e Finanças Públicas, 5ª edição, Lisboa, Escolar Editora
Pereira, Manuel Henrique de Freitas (2023), Fiscalidade, 7ª Ed. Almedina, Coimbra.
Oliveira, Aroldo Cedraz de (coord.), (2017), Control of public administration in the digital age, Ed. Forum, Belo Horizonte
OECD (2021), OECD Economic Surveys: Portugal 2021, OECD Publishing, Paris,
OECD (2021), Government at a Glance 2021, OECD Publishing, Paris,
OECD (2019), OECD Good Practices for Performance Budgeting, OECD Publishing, Paris,
OECD (2017), Recomendação do Conselho da OCDE sobre Integridade Pública,
OECD (2017), OECD Budget Transparency Toolkit: Practical Steps for Supporting Openness, Integrity and Accountability in Public Financial Management, OECD Publishing, Paris.
OECD (2016), Supreme Audit Institutions and Good Governance: Oversight, Insight and Foresight, OECD Public Governance Reviews, OECD Publishing, Paris,
Mozzicafreddo, Juan/Gomes, João Salis (org.) (2011), Projetos de inovação na Gestão Pública, Editora Mundos Sociais, Lisboa.
Moreno, Carlos (2010), Como o Estado gasta o nosso dinheiro, Caderno, Alfragide
Moreno, Carlos (2000), Gestão e controlo dos dinheiros públicos, 2ª. edição, UAL, Lisboa
Mazur, Jacek (2020), New Trends in the Works of Supreme Audit Institutions, in Kontrola Pa?stwowa nr 3/2020, 304-322,,23195.pdf
Matos, Tiago R., Cavaleiro, João Q. (2017), O controlo da despesa pública nas autarquias locais, em especial pelo Tribunal de Contas, Nova Causa - Edições jurídicas, Braga.
Martins, Guilherme d'Oliveira/Tavares, José (2011), O Tribunal de Contas na Ordem Constitucional Portuguesa, Lisboa, ed. Tribunal de Contas
Marinheiro, Carlos, Pinheiro, Ana, Sousa, Amilcar. (2022). The climate dimension of fiscal policy sustainability: best practices in Green Budgeting and lessons for Portugal. Conselho das Finanças Públicas, working paper 01/2022
Madureira, César, Asensio, Maria (Organizadores) (2013), Handbook de Administração Pública, INA editora
Legislação de Finanças Públicas (2022), 2ª. ed. Almedina, Coimbra
Lavouras, Matilde/Almeida, Teresa (coord.) (2020), ?A despesa pública na encruzilhada do século XXI?, Boletim de Ciências Económicas, volume LXIII-A, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra
Lavouras, Matilde (2020), "Reflexões em torno da natureza jurídica do orçamento", in Revista Forense, Vol. 432, Ano 116
Lamarque, Danièle (2016), Contrôle et évaluation de la gestion publique, Bruylant, Bruxelles
Kennedy, Tom (2018), ?The Court of Auditors?, in Oxford Principles of European Union Law vol. I: The European Union Legal Order, edited by Robert Schütze and Takis Tridimas, Oxford University Press, 651-686
Karakatsanis, Giorgos (2015), The notion of Accountability in a changing Public Sector and the curious case of the European Union, ECA Journal, March 2015, 9-17,
International Budget Partnership (IBP) & INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) (2020), All hands on deck: Harnessing accountability through external public audits - An assessment of national oversight systems.
Gomes, João Salis (2010), Interesse público, controle democrático do Estado e cidadania, in Augusto de Athayde & al (org.), Em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Diogo Freitas do Amaral, Coimbra, Almedina, pp. 354-378
Gameiro, António Ribeiro (org.), (2021), O Controlo Financeiro Externo do Estado, Almedina, Coimbra.
Gameiro, António, & al. (2018), Finanças Públicas, Almedina, Coimbra
Gameiro, António R. (2004), O Controlo Parlamentar das Finanças Públicas (1976-2002), Almedina, Coimbra.
Franco, António L. de Sousa (2007), Finanças Públicas e Direito Financeiro, Vols. I e II, 4.ª Reimp., Almedina Coimbra.
Franco, António de Sousa/Tavares, José (2006), Orçamento, in DJAP, Vol. VI (atualizado em 2006 por José Tavares e Guilherme d´Oliveira Martins, com a colaboração de Alexandra Pessanha).
Franco, António L. de Sousa (1993), O controlo da Administração Pública em Portugal, in Revista do Tribunal de Contas, n°19-20, Tomo I, 115-161.
Franco, António L. de Sousa (1993), O presente e o futuro das Instituições de Controlo Financeiro com caracter jurisdicional, in Revista do Tribunal de Contas, n°19-20, Tomo I, 33-114.
Ferreira, Eduardo Paz (2001), Os Tribunais e o controlo dos dinheiros públicos, in Estudos em Homenagem a Cunha Rodrigues, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra
European Court of Auditors (2019), Auditoria Pública na União Europeia, Portal online:
European Commission (2014), Compendium of public internal control systems in the EU Member States ? 2014, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg
Estratégia Nacional Anticorrupção 2020-2024, Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 37/2021, Diário da República n.º 66/2021, Série I de 2021-04-06, páginas 8 ? 49,
De Feo, Alfredo/Laffan, Brigid (edit.), (2017), Scrutiny of EU Policies, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence.
De Feo, Alfredo/Laffan, Brigid (edit.), (2017), Effectiveness and European Added Value of the EU Budget, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence.
Cuadrado-Ballesteros, Beatriz & Bisogno, Marco. (2022). Budget transparency and financial sustainability. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management. 34. 210-234. 10.1108/JPBAFM-02-2022-0025
Costa, Paulo Nogueira da (2013) Que "contas". O controlo financeiro externo entre accounting e accountability? in Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal, Ano VI, n.º 2.
Cohen, Alain-Gérard (2010), ?Une nouvelle façon de gérer l?État et l?Administration : contrôle interne et audit publics », Politiques et management public, vol. 27/2, 103-108
Cipriani G. (2021), Improving the Accountability of the EU Budget?s Multi-Level Implementation: Strengthening the Contribution of the European Court of Auditors, German Law Journal 22, 466?489.
Catarino, João Ricardo/Tavares, José F.F. (Coords.), (2012), Finanças Públicas da União Europeia, Almedina, Coimbra.
Canotilho, J.J. Gomes (2008), Tribunal de Contas como instituição dinamizadora do princípio republicano, in Revista do Tribunal de Contas, n° 49, 25-39,
Catarino, João Ricardo (2022), Finanças Públicas e Direito Financeiro, 7.ª edição, Almedina, Coimbra.
Caldeira, Vítor (2020), Perspetivas para a auditoria do setor público, in Boletim de Ciências Económicas: A despesa pública na encruzilhada do século XXI, volume LXIII-A, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
Caldeira, Vítor (2019), Contabilidade, prestação de contas e auditoria do setor público: situação atual e perspetivas, in Em Memória de João Carvalho - Estudos sobre Contabilidade, Finanças e Políticas Públicas, Áreas Editora, pp. 23-36
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Caldeira, Vítor (2012), Accountability, Transparency and Public Sector Audit in the EU ? the impact of the crisis, in Revista do Tribunal de Contas, nº 55/56, pp.49-58,
Caldeira, Vítor (2009), The European Court of Auditors and the cooperation with the Supreme Audit Institutions in the European Union, in Public Finance Quarterly ? Journal of Public Finance, Budapest, vol. LIV, fourth issue, pp. 517-529
Caldeira, Vítor (2008), The European Court of Auditors perspective on the management and control of EU funds, in Tékhne ? Revista de Estudos Politécnicos, vol. VI, n° 10, pp. 7-27
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Cabral, Nazaré da Costa (2021), The European Monetary Union after the crisis. From a fiscal union to a fiscal capacity, Routledge
Cabral, Nazaré da Costa/Martins, Guilherme Waldemar d?Oliveira (2014), Finanças Públicas e Direito Financeiro. Noções fundamentais, Ed. AAFDL, Lisboa.
Bovens, M., Wille, A (2021), Indexing watchdog accountability powers a framework for assessing the accountability capacity of independent oversight institutions, in Regulation & Governance (2021) 15, 856?876,
Bovens, M. (2006), Analysing and assessing public accountability: A conceptual framework, European Law Journal 13(4): 447?468
Bouvier, M. (2022). Comment replacer le citoyen dans la gouvernance des finances publiques? Revue française d'administration publique, 182, 371-379.
Bouvier, Michel, Esclassan, Marie-Christine, Lassale, Jean-Pierre (2018), Finances Publiques, 17e. éd., LGDJ, Lextenso éditions, Paris
Blocker, Carolyn, Godfrey, Kathryn y, Thompson, Joe (2021), The Disaster Resilience Framework: A Tool to Promote Foresight and Accountability, in INTOSAI Journal, Autumn-2021, vol. 48 ? n° 4,
Bandy, Gary & Metcalfe, Alex. (2021) Rethinking public financial management. ACCA - Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
Andrade, Fernando Rocha (2020), Textos de Finanças Públicas, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra
Reference: null
Master Dissertation in Public Administration
-Identify problems and formulate diagnoses of specific situations in a particular government agency, central, regional or local
- Plan and monitor the process of independent research
- Try - in the classroom - the ability to communicate with their peers and with society in general about the scientific area of public administration and, in particular, on issues specifically investigated by them, making clear the grounds, procedures and conclusions their analyze
Given the nature of this laboratory course, classes consist mostly of practical activities to be undertaken by students (individually and in groups) under the guidance of the teacher. The weekly school time ends with an overview of the activity, with brief presentations by students and faculty conducted by a systematization.
One. Public administration: specifications, procedures and problems.
2nd. Reflection on the examples of public management;
3rd. Dissertation- Project work: themes
4th. Guideline of the research project
5th. Diagnoses in public administration bodies with previous integration the knowledge presented in the classroom.
6th. Submission of dissertation and project plans
7th. Debate in class and specific guidance
8th .Problems of operationalization.
9th.Debate on projects submitted by students
Presentation by students of the subject set, the structure of the work, the methods used and the stages of preparing the same
Consult the bibliography of reference and bibliography of additional independent research in illustrative examples and relevant information (individual and / or group);
Debate and analytical reflection on the themes of work of students
Individual tutorial sessions: Tuesdays from 17H30/19H00 and Thursdays from 15H30/1H30 (with appointment)
The progress of work is monitored in tutorials, as the following dates control the work (and correct them):
- Delivery of registration of the subject in the classroom: 30/10/2018;
- Chapter I-Background: 30.01. 2019; - Chapters II and III - Analysis and interpretation: 30/04/2019;
-Provisional version: 30.05. 2019;
- First Final delivery: 30.06.2019;
- Second Final delivery: 30.09.2019
- Defense: until 15.12.2019
Title: Rosenbloom, David al (2015), Public Administration: Understanding Management, Politics and Law in the Public Sector, Nova Iorque, McGraw Hill
Mozzicafreddo, Juan e João Salis Gomes (2007), Interesse Público, Estado e Administração, Oeiras, Celta Editora
Mozzicafreddo, Juan e João Salis Gomes (2003), Ética e Administração: como modernizar os serviços Públicos, Oeiras, Celta Editora
Mozzicafreddo, Juan e João Salis Gomes (2011) (Org.), Projecto de inovação na gestão pública. Lisboa, Editora Mundos Sociais;
Quivy, Raymond e Luc Van Campenhondt (2008), Manual de investigação em ciências sociais, Lisboa, Gradiva;
Chevallier, Jacques (2013), Science administrative, Paris, PUF
Alcázar, M. Baena del (2010), Manual de Ciencia de la Administración, Madrid, Editorial Síntesis
Reference: null
Title: Vidal, Josep Pont (2017), La innovación en la gestión pública, Madrid, Catarata
Silvestre, Hugo Consciência e Joaquim Filipe Araújo (org.) (2012), Colectânea em Administração Pública, Lisboa, Escolar Editora
Ramió, Carles (2017), La administración publica del futuro (Horizonte 2050). Instituciones, política, mercado y sociedad de la innovación, Madrid, Editorial Tecnos
Peters, B. Guy e Jon Pierre (2012), The Handbook of Public Administration, Londres, Sage
Parrado, Salvador (2015), El análisis de la gestión pública, Valencia, Editorial tirant lo blanch
Madureira, César e Maria Asensio (org.) (2013), Handbook de Administração Pública, Lisboa, INA
Fonseca, Fátima e Carlos Carapeto (2005), Administração Pública ? Modernização, Qualidade e Inovação, Lisboa, Edições Sílabo
Fonseca, Fátima e Carlos Carapeto (2009), Governação, inovação e tecnologias - O Estado rede e a administração pública do futuro, Lisboa, Edições Sílabo
Ferlie, Ewan et al(2007) The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, Oxford, Oxford University Press;
Bason, Christian (2017), Leading Public Design, Bristol, Policy Press
Reference: null
Master Project in Public Administration
-Identify problems and formulate diagnoses of specific situations in a particular government agency, central, regional or local
- Plan and monitor the process of independent research
- Try - in the classroom - the ability to communicate with their peers and with society in general about the scientific area of public administration and, in particular, on issues specifically investigated by them, making clear the grounds, procedures and conclusions their analyze
Given the nature of this laboratory course, classes consist mostly of practical activities to be undertaken by students (individually and in groups) under the guidance of the teacher. The weekly school time ends with an overview of the activity, with brief presentations by students and faculty conducted by a systematization.
One. Public administration: objectives, specifications, procedures and problems.
2nd. Reflection on the examples of models of public management;
3rd. Dissertation - Project work: models and themes
4th. Guideline for the elaboration of the research project
5th. Presentation of diagnoses in public administration bodies
6th Previous integration the knowledge in a manner adapted to the diagnosis - presented in the classroom - with the aim of developing research projects working in public administration
7th. Submission of dissertation and project plans
8th. Debate in class and specific guidance
9th .Problems of operationalization.
10th.Debate on projects submitted by students
Presentation by students of the subject set, the structure of the work, the methods used and the stages of preparing the same
Consult the bibliography of reference and bibliography of additional independent research in illustrative examples and relevant information (individual and / or group);
Debate and analytical reflection on the themes of work of students
The progress of work is monitored in tutorials, as the following dates control the work (and correct them):
- Delivery of Registration of the subject in the classroom: 30/10/2012;
- Chapter I-Background: 30.01. 2013; - Chapters II and III - Analysis and interpretation: 30/04/2013;
-Provisional version: 30.05. 2013;
- First Final delivery: 30.06.2013;
- Second Final delivery: 30.09.2013
- Defense: until 15.12.2013
Title: Rocha, Oliveira, J.A. (2011), Gestão pública ? Teorias, modelos e prática, Escolar Editora
Peters, G. Guy (2009) ?Still the cintura of bureaucracy) - The roles of public servants?, Public Policy and Administration, nº 30;Quivy e Campenhoudt (2008 ),
Mozzicafreddo, Juan e João Salis Gomes (2011) (Org.), Projecto de inovação na gestão pública. Lisboa, Editora Mundos Sociais; Normas de formatação Gráficas e de Referências Bibliográficas, Escola de Sociologia e Políticas Públicas, ISCTE-IUL (2009, 1ª edição);
Moderna Gestão Pública ? Dos meios aos resultados (2000), INA;
Melhor gestão para uma melhor administração, Fórum 2000, ISCSP/UTL;
Manual de investigação em ciências sociais, Gradiva; Reforma da Administração e da Gestão Pública, Revista Portuguesa de Administração e Políticas Públicas, Vol. II, nº 2
Ferlie et al. ,(2007) The Oxford Handbook of Public Management, Oxford, Oxford University Press;
Reference: null
Title: Silva, Augusto Santos e José Madureira Pinto (orgs.) (1986), Metodologia das Ciências Sociais, 8ª ed., Porto, Edições Afrontamento
Rocha, Oliveira, J. A. (2005), Gestão de Recursos Humanos na Administração Pública, Lisboa, Escolar Editora
Rocha, Oliveira, J. A. (1999), Gestão pública e modernização administrativa, Oeiras, INA
Mozzicafreddo, J. e J. Salis Gomes (2007), Interesse Público, Estado e Administração, Oeiras, celta Editora
Mozzicafreddo, J. e J. Salis Gomes (2003), Ética e Administração ? como modernizar os serviços Públicos? Oeiras, celta Editora
Modernizar a Administração Pública, Fórum (2000), Revista Portuguesa de Administração e Políticas Públicas, Vol. I, nº 1
Ghiglione, Rodolphe e Benjamin Matalon (1997), O Inquérito: Teoria e Prática, Oeiras, Celta Editora
Fonseca, Fátima e Carlos Carapeto (2005), Administração Pública ? Modernização, Qualidade e Inovação, Lisboa, Edições Sílabo
Denhardt, Janet V. e Robert B. Denhardt (2003), The New Public Service - Serving, not Steering, New York, M.E. Sharp
Reference: null
2nd Cycle Internship
The learning outcomes of the Internship are adapted to each internship and the institution where it is developed. These are:
LO1. To acquire technical skills linked to methods and techniques for action within different kinds of institutions related to the general objectives and learning outcomes of the master's degree;
LO2. To develop research and action-research skills within organizations related to the master's degree;
LO3. To prepare an internship report that reveals analytical reflection of the professional or academic context;
LO4. Develop indicators for recording and evaluating professional practice.
1. Topic and problem of the internship
2. Internship plan
3. Theoretical and methodological framework
4. Methodology of collaborative action research
5. Evaluation
6. Report
Individual report, which contains the following elements:
a) Characterization of the institutional context (history, organization, policies and services, activities, organizational structure and functioning);
b) Framing the internship institution;
c) Description of the activities developed (roles, responsibilities, agents, work processes, methodologies used)
d) Critical and theoretically based conclusions
e) References
The UC does not contemplate the modality of evaluation by Exam.
Title: - Sweitzer, H. Frederick e King, Mary A. (2014), The Successful Internship: Personal, Professional, and Civic Development in Experiential Learning, Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.
- Reeher, Gant e Mariani, Mack (2002), The Insider's Guide To Political Internships: What To Do Once You're In The Door, Nova Iorque: Basic Books
- Neves, José, Garrido, Margarida, Simões Eduardo (2008), Manual de Competências Pessoais, Interpessoais e Instrumentais. Teoria e Prática, Lisboa: Editora SÍLABO
- Della Porta, Donatella e Keating Michael (eds.) (2008) Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences. A Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Courtney, Roger (2013), Strategic Management in the Third Sector, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
- Capucha, Luís (2008), Planeamento e Avaliação de Projetos. Guião Prático, Lisboa: ME/DGIDC
Reference: null
Recommended optative
Optional courses will only be held if they achieve a minimum number of enrollments.
1st semester
Public Policies Formulation and Design Thinking
Leadership and Innovation for Public Management
Economy, development and territory
2nd semester
Environment, Energy, and Sustainability
The leadership training courses FAAP, FORGEP, CAGEP, CADAP and CEAGP may be accredited, as well as others that fully correspond to Curricular Units of this master's degree.
- The knowledge, analysis and debate of the different administration models and systems used in Portugal and in the main countries of the OECD as a starting point for reflection on the function of Public Administration and the definition of its role in the development of the democratic governing mechanisms;
- The analysis and questioning of management models, the study and understanding of the types of organisation, as well as the analysis of information systems and their functional or dysfunctional nature in various dimensions of administration;
- The contemplation of the public administration's modernisation processes, starting, on the one hand, with a diagnosis of the existence of an functional deficit in administration of disparate decision-making procedural models, rooted in a given corporate logic and, on the other, with optimised functioning models, sometimes of excellence, but scattered and discontinuous.
- Can demonstrate knowledge in their specialised fields, acquired in previous training, and develop studies at this advanced level in order to acquire analytical foundations that enable the development and application of ideas in a context of empirical research;
- Can apply that knowledge and comprehension in a manner that demonstrates a professional approach in the area of public administration and have the skills to sustain arguments and solve problems in this study and work area;
- Are able to communicate data, ideas, problems and solutions, both among experts in administration science and to audiences of non-experts;
- Have developed skills that enable them to pursue lifelong learning with a high degree of autonomy.
Thesis / Final work
Completing the MSc in Public Administration requires the presentation of a dissertation or final project. On account of the backgrounds of the intended students and the direct connection from the course to practice, the final project option is generally encouraged, as it permits students to develop proposals for the improvement of services in a theoretically-supported manner. A large variety of the dissertations and final projects have been dissimulated in colloquia organized by the Master's programmes, which has already given rise to the publication of four volumes that feature these texts along with studies by specialists in the area.
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