Iscte Business School
Ala Autónoma, Gabinete 235
(+351) 210 464 014
9:00 - 18:00
Leccionado em Inglês
Tipo de ensino Presencial

Corpo Docente para (2023/2024)

Tópicos Avançados de Gestão I
Tópicos Avançados de Gestão II
Álvaro Rosa, docente da Escola de Gestão do ISCTE-IUL
Tópicos Avançados de Gestão II
Ana Brochado is an economist and professor of management at the ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa - Lisbon University Institute and a researcher at DINAMIA’CET-Centre for Socioeconomic and Territorial Studies. She coordinated and taught several courses (bachelor, master, Ph.D., executive education) including econometrics, quantitative methods applied to competition and regulation, consumer behavior, and market research and research methods. She is the President of the 'Direção Regional do Centro e Alentejo' - Ordem dos Economistas.She served as the Vice Dean for administrative affairs and Vice Dean for faculty for five years (ISCTE Business School) and coordinated the PhD in Tourism Management. She joined the General Council of ISCTE. She worked for more than one decade as Senior Economist for the Portuguese Competition Authority (AdC) and the Securities Commission (CMVM). She joined the Strategic Board of Compete2020 as an expert in policy evaluation methods. She is an external expert on the European Commission.She has a Bachelor of Science in Economics, a Master of Science in Quantitative Methods, a PhD in Management, and Habilitation in Marketing. Her main research interests are economics and management. She has authored or co-authored over 80 publications in top international journals in these fields, wrote over 40 book chapters and presented over 200 talks at international conferences. Her research received over 2500 citations.Ana Brochado is an economist and professor
Metodologias de Investigação em Gestão Empresarial Aplicada | Métodos de Pesquisa Quantitativa em Gestão Empresarial Aplicada I | Seminário/ Projecto em Gestão Empresarial Aplicada I | Seminário/ Projecto em Gestão Empresarial Aplicada II
Elizabeth Reis is full professor of Statistics and Marketing Research at the Department of Quantitative Methods for Management and Economy. She received a degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics, University of Oporto and completed a Ph.D. in Social Statistics at the University of Southampton, UK. For the last thirty years she has been teaching several undergraduate and postgraduate courses on Statistics, Multivariate Data Analysis, Sampling and Survey Methodology, Research Methods and Marketing Research at the ISCTE Business School, but she took up teaching assignments also at various colleges in Macau, Guanghzou, Chengdu, Mozambique and Cape Vert. Her research interests are focused both on research methodologies, data collection (evaluation of sampling methods and surveys' quality) and data analysis methodologies (multivariate statistics applied to business and management research). She was, until 2010, President of the Scientific Committee of the ISCTE Business School (IBS), Director of the Doctoral Programme on Applied Quantitative Methods and President of the Business and Management Research Unit (UNIDE). She was, between 2014 and 2018, Director of the Quantitative Methods Department at the IBS - ISCTE Business School. She was, between March 2018  and 2022, Vice-Rector for the Development of Human Resources and was appointed Director of the Doctoral Programme in Management in June 2021.
Desenvolvimento do Desenho e Organização do Projecto de Investigação em Gestão Empresarial Aplicada
Before joining ISCTE-IUL in a full-time position (2005), I've worked as HRM Consultant for 5 years and Marketing Researcher for 10 years. After 2005, I taught several courses in HRM and Applied Research Strategies. I've managed several programs in the HRM field (undergraduate, master and Ph.D. levels). I was the Director of the Human Resource and Organizational Behavior Department for 4 years. More recently I shifted my career to a more research orientation. My research interests are the determinants of organizational performance, organizational identity, and leadership development, especially in highly institutionalized contexts like health care services or public and non-profits.
Tópicos Avançados de Gestão I
Tópicos Avançados de Gestão I
João Guerreiro is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Marketing, Operations, and General Management at Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and holds a Ph.D. in Marketing. He also has a bachelor’s degree in computer science engineering and a Master's degree in decision support systems. On a scientific level, João Guerreiro published in top journals such as ABS4 and FT50 on topics as diverse as technology implications for Marketing, Hospitality and Tourism, and corporate social responsibility. He also won the Iscte Scientific Awards in 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2021 and the Best Paper Award at GAMMA-Fashion (2019), with an Honorable mention on the paper “How atmospheric cues in virtual reality fashion stores affect the sense of presence”. His research interests are focused on the area of consumer behavior and relationship marketing, namely the implications of technologies (Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, IoT) for Marketing, having articles published in various scientific journals such as Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Journal of Business Ethics, among others. Regarding management roles, he serves as the Deputy Director of the BRU-IUL Research Unit and holds the role of Deputy Director of LIA – A laboratory of ISCTE for promoting innovation in academia. In addition, João Guerreiro is the Director of the Bachelor's degree in Digital Technologies and Management at Iscte–Sintra, where he is also a member of the Scientific Committee. His role as Director of the Master’s in Marketing at ISCTE-IUL, from 2017 to 2021, and member of the Pedagogical Committee of Iscte Business School from 2017 to 2019 is also part of his professional portfolio. He coordinates the 3rd year of the Bachelor in Marketing Management at Iscte, and has been responsible for coordinating 22 different courses. João Guerreiro has made contributions to diverse fields of research, including Marketing and Business, Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR, Hospitality and Tourism, Fashion, Ethics, Green & Sustainable Consumption, Digital and Online Marketing, Marketing Communications, Consumer Neuroscience and Education. The author has co-edited a book entitled "Handbook of Research on Developing a Post-Pandemic Paradigm for Virtual Technologies in Higher Education" and published five book chapters, with works like “Do we really care about artificial intelligence? A review on social transformations and ethical challenges of AI for the 21st century”. In terms of event organizations, the author played key roles in the organization of three international events, including the 6th and 7th International XR(AR/VR) conferences and the EURAM 2019 Conference. He has been involved as a participant in four international projects. In 2023, João Guerreiro contributed as an Invited Speaker at FutureCast Lab's RealLifeMasterClass, presenting on “Empowering Future Leaders: Leveraging the Power of AI in Management Education.” He moderated a Technology in Marketing talk at “Marketing Journeys 2021,” engaging in discussions about technology's evolving role in marketing with representatives from Diverge, Detox in a Box, Valispace, and Hoopers. He also published a media article “Inteligência Artificial acelera processos de recrutamento em 90%” ("Artificial Intelligence Accelerates Recruitment Processes by 90%") that was published in notable outlets such as “Jornal Económico,” Executive Digest, and Human Resources. Furthermore, in 2020, he was invited to speak on TSF radio about "A Universidade na Resposta à Crise - Estratégias de Marketing" ("The University in Response to the Crisis - Marketing Strategies").
Metodologias de Investigação em Gestão Empresarial Aplicada
José Crespo de Carvalho (JCC) is a Management professor with over 30 years experience both in teaching, researching, managing and consulting higher education institutions and companies. He has a PhD and Aggregation in Management, an MBA and MSc in Management (Information Systems) (ISCTE), a Post-graduate Diploma in Project Management and an Undergraduate Degree in Engineering (IST). Additionally, he completed in presence Executive Education in Negotiation (Stanford University, Harvard University, INSEAD and AIF), in Logistics and Supply Chain Management and in Strategy and Management (Cranfield University and MIT CTL), in Big Data (IE) and in Applied Project Management (Erasmus University). He has served as Academic Director of NOVA SBE Executive Education and currently he is serving as CEO of ISCTE Executive Education. He published some scientific papers and 25 ISBN books. In a nutshell, consultancy and managing companies, besides innovative executive teaching and management in higher education have always been central to define José Crespo de Carvalho as a professional.    
Métodos de Pesquisa Qualitativos em Gestão Empresarial Aplicada | Métodos de Pesquisa Quantitativa em Gestão Empresarial Aplicada II
Métodos de Pesquisa Qualitativos em Gestão Empresarial Aplicada | Tópicos Avançados de Gestão I
Maria João Major (publication name, Maria Major) is Full Professor of Management Accounting and Control at ISCTE-IUL (Lisbon, Portugal). She holds a PhD from the University of Manchester, UK and a Post-doc from the Manchester Business School, UK. Maria João was visiting researcher fellow at Alliance Manchester Business School, UK in 2016 and at Griffith University, Australia in 2001. She has published in academic journals such as ‘Management Accounting Research’, ‘European Accounting Review’, ‘Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal’, ‘Accounting, Organizations and Society’, 'Financial Accountability & Management', ‘Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management’ and ‘Public Money and Management’, among others. Maria João is also the author or co-author of several books and international book chapters. She is on the editorial board of ‘Qualitative Research on Accounting and Management’, ‘Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change’, ‘Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management’ and earlier on the editorial board of the ‘European Accounting Review’. She is additionally active in refereeing articles for a number of leading accounting journals. Maria João has served as member of scientific committees in several international accounting conferences. She was the convenor of ‘Manufacturing Accounting Research (EIASM) 2016’ and of the ‘European Network for Research on Organizational and Accounting Change (ENROAC) 2011’ conferences. Aditionally, Maria João has received teaching awards as best professor. Prior to joining ISCTE-IUL she was Associate Professor at Nova School of Business and Economics where she taught in the PhD, Master, Bachelor and Executive Education programmes.    
Tópicos Avançados de Gestão I
Working in the Department of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior from ISCTE Business School, develops research focused on the topics of organizational leadership, governance and political behavior, emotions in organizations, competencies and attitudes towards technology. Has experience in managing university knowledge transfer units since 2009 and has coordinated several projects and studies (both executive and scientific coordination) bridging with the community and business, both in national and international settings. These projects have been targeting mostly applied research and organizational intervention in the area of organizational behavior (Organizational diagnosis and innovation) and HRM (professional selection, competencies profiling, team building). Supervises master dissertations and doctorate theses in management some within a joint program with Southern Medical University (Guangzhou, China) and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Chengdu). Acted as jury member in several public officer selections (middle management and executive positions) for Portuguese governmental and public institutions.
Tópicos Avançados de Gestão II
Titular de duas Agregações e de dois Doutoramentos, Renato Pereira é Diretor Adjunto para a Internacionalização e a Investigação da Escola de Gestão do Iscte-IUL. Especializou-se em Empreendedorismo, em Inovação, em Gestão Internacional, e em Desenvolvimento Económico da África Subsariana. Antigo residente-estudante da Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, foi designado para o Conselho de Administração da fundação privada de utilidade pública que gere o campus internacional da capital francesa, eleito por um colégio representativo de 5.000+ votantes de 150+ nacionalidades. Trabalhou em várias empresas do cluster das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, nomeadamente a Outsystems, um dos três primeiros unicórnios portugueses. Enquanto Administrador da Inteli - Inteligência em Inovação - Centro de Inovação, integrou a estrutura de coordenação do consórcio Mobi.E, responsável pelo desenvolvimento da 1ª rede de âmbito nacional do mundo para carregamento de veículos elétricos, e o Conselho de Administração da SGORME - Sociedade Gestora de Operações da Rede de Mobilidade Elétrica, S.A. Durante treze anos consecutivos, desempenhou o cargo de Vogal do Conselho Fiscal da Taguspark, S.A., sociedade gestora de um dos maiores e mais relevantes parques de ciência e tecnologia do país. Foi Adjunto do Ministro das Obras Públicas, Transportes e Comunicações dos XVII e XVIII Governos Constitucionais. Dirige, atualmente, o Mestrado em Gestão Internacional da Escola de Gestão do Iscte. Anteriormente, dirigiu o Mestrado Executivo em Gestão da Inovação da Iscte Executive Education, para além de várias unidades curriculares dos Mestrados da Iscte Business School, do Mestrado em Estudos Africanos e do Doutoramento em Estudos Africanos. Enquanto Professor Associado da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, coordenou: o Doutoramento em Economia da Empresa, o Seminário de Geoeconomia do Doutoramento em Relações Internacionais, o Mestrado em Gestão de Empresas, e a Licenciatura em Gestão, para além de várias unidades curriculares dos três ciclos universitários. O seu artigo Entrepreneurship role on dynamic capabilities: A longitudinal study on Brazilian and Portuguese firms, elaborado em co-autoria, foi nomeado para o Best Paper Prize da Special Conference da Strategic Management Society, em 2011. O seu artigo Resilient employees are creative employees, when the workplace forces them to be, publicado em co-autoria, foi galardoado com o Tudor Rickards and Susan Moger Creativity and Innovation Management Best Paper Award, relativo ao ano de 2019. Orientou 5 pós-doutoramentos, 19 doutoramentos e 198 mestrados. Tem uma longa e extensiva experiência académica internacional, tendo sido Professor e/ou Investigador Visitante em universidades de: Angola, Brasil, Chéquia, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Eslovénia, Espanha, França, Hungria, Índia, Moçambique, Peru, Polónia, Portugal, Reino Unido, Rússia, Tailândia, Uganda e Uzbequistão.
Tópicos Avançados de Gestão II
Tópicos Avançados de Gestão II
Iscte Business School
Ala Autónoma, Gabinete 235
(+351) 210 464 014
9:00 - 18:00
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