Tipo de ensino
Helena Belchior Rocha é Doutorada em Serviço Social, Professora Auxiliar no Departamento de Ciencia Politica e Politicas Públicas, sub-Diretora do Laboratório de Competências Transversais e investigadora integrada do CIES-ISCTE. Tem estado ligada a projetos nacionais e internacionais, dos quais se destacam 2 Marie Curie, é autora de artigos, capitulos de livro e comunicações em eventos cientificos nacionais e internacionais, nas áreas de teoria e metodologia de Serviços Social, sustentabilidade, intervenção comunitára, ética, direitos humanos, politicas socias e bem estar, educação e competências transversais. Membro do Conselho editorial e cientifico de revistas nacionais e internacionais.
Inna Paiva (PhD) is Assistant Professor in the Instituto Univeritário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). She has experience in teaching in master’s programmes and programmes for executive education, and engages with courses related to financial accounting, business reporting and public accounting.
She also supervises master’s students’ dissertations and has made various presentations in in international scientific conferences and authored papers and book chapters. For several years, she was the director of the Master’s in Accounting and Taxation and the Bachelor’s Degree Course Accounting, Taxation and Auditing in the Universidade Lusófona.
Her research interests lie in the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards, accounting quality and family firms. She has published her research in book chapters and in journals such as the Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, the Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, the Review of Accounting and Finance. She has also published a text book: Contabilidade Pública - As Novas Demonstrações para Relato em Sistema de Normalização Contabilística para as Administrações Públicas/ Public Accounting - The New Report Statements in the Accounting Normalization System for Public Administration and she is the author of practical case studies in the text book Fundamentos de Contabilidade Financeira: teoria e casos/ Foundations of Financial Accounting: theory and case studies.
Escola de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Edifício Sedas Nunes (Edifício I), Sala 1E05
(+351) 210 464 016
9:30 - 18:00