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6 Anos
23 jan 2020
Registo DGES
Registo inicial R/A-Ef 1014/2011 de 18-03-2011
Registo de alteração R/A-Ef 1014/2011/AL01 de 19-10-2015 | R/A-Ef 1014/2011/AL02 de 08-03-2016
Iscte Business School
Ala Autónoma, Gabinete 235
(+351) 210 464 014
9:00 - 18:00
Leccionado em Inglês
Tipo de ensino Presencial

Corpo Docente para (2024/2025)

Matemática e Métodos Numéricos para Economia e Finanças I
Tópicos Avançados em Microeconomia I
Felipa de Mello-Sampayo é Professora auxiliar no Departmento de Economica do ISCTE-IUL, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa e investigadora integrada no BRU-IUL. A tese de doutoramento em Economia da Universidade da Birmingham em 2001 foi publicada na The British Library. Entre vários artigos em revistas que à data da publicação estavam indexados na base de dados Scopus e na base de dados Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge (WoS), destacam-se 14 artigos sem coautores. A sua investigação centra-se em modelos microeconómicos e a correspondente aplicação empírica em várias áreas da ciência social. Coordenadora do projeto de investigação o PTDC/EGE-ECO/104157/2008, "Health and Economic Growth" financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). Coeditora de números especiais da revista Sustainability, intitulado“Spatial Econometrics Analysis of Sustainability”  e da revista Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health intitulado "Heathcare in China".
Matemática e Métodos Numéricos para Economia e Finanças II
Tópicos Avançados em Macroeconomia I
Investimentos I | Tese em Finanças
Econometria Avançada I
Joaquim J.S. Ramalho graduated in Economics from the University of Evora in 1993 and received a masters degree in Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management from the Technical University of Lisbon (ISEG-UTL) in 1996. In 2002, he completed his PhD in Economics at the University of Bristol. Since 2016, he is Professor at ISCTE-IUL (Dep. Economics) and before that he taught at the University of Evora for 23 years. His research focuses on theoretical and applied microeconometrics, and he has published in a variety of academic journals, including the Journal of Econometrics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Econometric Reviews, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis and International Journal of Industrial Organization.
Finanças em Tempo Contínuo | Seminário de Investigação em Finanças I | Seminário de Investigação em Finanças II
José Carlos Dias is Full Professor of Finance at the Department of Finance of Iscte Business School. He holds a PhD degree in Finance from Iscte and is the Director of the Department of Finance. He was also the Director of the PhD in Finance and the Director of the Master in Finance of Iscte Business School. His current research interests include option pricing, structured products and exotic options, volatility derivatives, real options and credit risk. He has published in the Journal of Banking and Finance, Quantitative Finance, European Journal of Operational Research, European Journal of Finance, Journal of Futures Markets, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Review of Derivatives Research, Journal of Derivatives, and Applied Mathematics and Optimization, among others.
Econometria Avançada II
José Dias Curto is full professor at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL Business School, Quantitative Methods Departament) and investigator at Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal. He earned his PhD in Quantitative Methods for Management from the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), MA in Management from Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) and Bachellor's degree in Economics from Instituto Superior de Economia, Portugal. His primary research focuses statistics and econometrics with applications to finance, accounting and economics. List of journals where he published: Research in International Business and Finance, Journal of Business Ethics, Annals of Economics and Finance, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research Journal, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Journal of Applied Statistics, Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money, Statistical Papers, International Statistical Review, European Accounting Review, Australian Accounting Review.
Finanças Empresariais Avançadas
Investimentos II
Tópicos Avançados em Microeconomia II
Iscte Business School
Ala Autónoma, Gabinete 235
(+351) 210 464 014
9:00 - 18:00
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