Submitting a Request

To submit your request you must ensure that:

  • The submission and respective ethical approval precedes the start of the data collection process;
  • The study complies with the provisions of the Ethical Conduct in Research Iscte;
  • When the study processes personal data, it must comply with the Guidelines for Researchers on Personal Data Protection;
  • Complete the Submission Form for ethical approval with information on the following aspects: Description of the Study; Participants; Informed Consent and Debriefing; Protection and Security of Participants; Declaration of Responsibility and Ethical Conduct;
  • Attach the applicable annexes requested in the form (i.e. informed consent; debriefing; the additional form on processing personal data, if the study processes personal data; questionnaires/study materials), and send the submission to:;
  • In addition to the forms, there are also templates for informed consent and debriefing, which you can adapt according to the characteristics of the study.

Formulários e Minutas


The submission form must also be sent in word format.

Studies submitted a posteriori are not considered eligible for ethical approval.

Any questions regarding submission can be answered at the above address.

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